
How to Install Drupal 10 with Nginx, PHP-FPM 8.1, MySQL, phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 23.04 - Linode Guide


In this article, you will learn how to set up a webserver for serving Drupal websites running with Nginx, PHP-FPM 8.1, MySQL, and phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 23.04 For the following tutorial, I used very much the information from my previous guide with 22.04, but I decided to rewrite it for Ubuntu 23.04 version as it is shipped with php8.1 version and will work with Drupal 10 (most probably with previous versions too) If you need any assistance configuring servers or working with Drupal, consider…

How To Enable Google Adsense ads.txt file for Drupal on Nginx


Around early September 2019, in my Google AdSense dashboard, I noticed a warning informing me to create a separate ads.txt file.  I followed the on-screen instruction and did what was asked. After two months (at the start of November) I noticed my earnings from Google AdSense have dipped more than half and the warning was still there.  Earnings at risk - You need to fix some ads.txt file issues to avoid severe impact to your revenue. Authorized Digital Sellers, or ads.txt is an IAB…

How to Enable OneSignal Web Push Notifications SendTag For Drupal (User Segmentation by Interests)


I spent a good amount of time, trying to learn how to implement a better user segmentation on OneSignal. The best I could get so far was the default OneSiganal's out of the box segmentation based on user country. As my blog covers many mutually unrelated topics, I was not utilizing the power of push notifications at 100%. In fact, after getting more than 26,000 subscribers (over a year) I felt afraid every-time I sent out a web push notification, as user targeting was very poor. At OneSignal …

How To Sync Drupal RSS Feed to Mailchimp


RSS is not dead, it's more than alive - nowadays it's used to sync content across services and devices. After finishing installing push notifications for my blog I decided to re-check my e-mail marketing strategy. Wow, it's hard to compare actually - I got about 200 push notifications subscribers in less than 3 days, while my attempts of collecting e-mails turned out to be more gloomy  - about 60 subscribers in 3 months (after which I stopped to collect e-mail addresses at all). Not to speak…

How to Upgrade PHP 5.3 to 5.5.9 on Ubuntu 12.04 to Support Drupal 8


That day finally have come and I've officially started a new project on my first Drupal 8 website. While my first attempts were about two years ago, but due to the lack of time and will to explore new things and configure new servers I proceeded just tonight (after a conversation with a long time customer we agreed to make a re-branded website and I was allowed to "experiment" with a Drupal 8 site) I took me some time to get it running as I wasn't prepared for the Drupal 8 requirements, and…

LEMP Server Ubuntu 12.04 for serving Drupal on Nginx


In this tutorial you will learn how to setup a LEMP stack on Ubuntu 12.04 for serving a Drupal site (s). Update: I originally started this post to document my setup for actually configuring Nginx server on Ubuntu for Drupal site at the start of 2015. Many things have changed ,ever since, thus most of the written bellow will work. LEMP is a variation of the ubiquitous LAMP stack used for developing and deploying web applications. Traditionally, LAMP consists of Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.…

Fourth Traffic Spike - How to get 10,000 Pageviews in One Day


Yesterday (February 18) marked another important milestone for my blog - for the very first time my blog traffic crossed 10,000 page views in one day. Now, don't get me wrong - I would love to report 10,000 daily page views instead of 10,000 in one day, which happened thanks to the huge traffic spike made by a dozen of referring links.  By now my blog gets about 2,000 page views per day, which of course is already a very great result, but having that traffic bump made me smile this morning. OK…

How To Split Large .TSV files and Import to MS Excel or OpenOffice Using EmEditor


In this article you will learn how to split large .tsv (and not only) files so you can import them to MS Office, Open Office or whatever you need using a small and neat (paid) program called EmEditor. Here is the scenario - I have been booking.com affiliate partner for many years already, I remember few years ago I dreamt I wish I would programmatically access to all of their hotels (with metadata) , so I could import those data to some other web app and reuse data I want in manner I want to…

How To Display Username In URL For Drupal Site


I know for some experienced Drupal developers such question might sound bizarre, because  - hey..it's a piece of cake...  I have been subscribed to the LinkedIn Drupal group and exactly such question arise here: hey guys is there any way to display username in URL when user logged in like example www.example.com/username was asked by one of the group members I added my solution for this question on that post already and I decided to share it on my blog as well since other Drupal users…

Building A Simple Drupal Booking Engine From Scratch


Originally this post was planned to be a part of building a Drupal website from scratch series post, I did in late 2013. For some reason this post was left unpublished, so today I decided to review it one more time and make it public.  In this article, I'll show how to create simple, but powerful booking engine for fictional tourism company's webpage using Drupal. Part 1 - Modules Download References module Node Reference URL Widget Extract modules to sites/all/modules Enable modules…