Azerbaijani Cuisine

Dolma restaurant in Baku


Dolma restaurant is located on M.Rasulzada street 8 in Baku, this places serves typical Azerbaijani cuisine and is named as of the best Baku restaurants. This  restaurant was a recommendation from a Tripadvisor, we got here from our hotel room in Flames Tower using Bolt Taxi application At first, it was hard to find this place, as the restaurant is actually located in a basement, which actually is more like a dungeon Restaurant Dolma in Baku I barely noticed the signboard among the many…

Azerbaijani Restaurant Agha in Tbilisi


Azerbaijani cuisine restaurant Agha is located near Heroes square (access is from the Circus side) in Tbilisi. After a meal here - I'm already planing my next trip to the land of fire - Azerbaijan. At this restaurant I tried something new for me - Dushbara soup, piti soup and veal saji on Fire. Lately I have tried a lot new non-Georgian cuisine places in Tbilisi, see Turkish restaurant Karabak, Chinese restaurant Dzin Chao or French Tartine Brasserie are just a few to name, now it was time for…

Širhans - Azerbaijani cuisine in Riga, Latvia


Širhans (Shirhan) is a lovely restaurant serving Azerbaijani cuisine located in the suburbs of Sarkandaugava in Riga, Latvia (Meža Prospekts 90). I visited this place just shortly after a visit to Riga Zoo. If you just like me enjoy Caucasian style cuisine you will enjoy this place. Although I must admit I'm very found of Georgian cuisine (Read my Tbilisi restaurant reviews) - this time I was pleased with Azerbaijani cuisine also. Thus take into consideration - to enjoy a real Azeri cuisine…