
How to Send RSS Web Push Notifications to Segments in OneSignal


It has been already more than one year since I've enabled OneSignal Web Push notifications for this blog. Over the past year, the blog has acquired more than 25,000 web push subscribers. Frankly speaking - sure web push notifications are great if used the right way, speaking of me - unfortunately, or for good, as I keep writing on many topics, I still haven't found the most optimal use for web push notifications, as readers of this blog fall into many audiences and demographics. One of the use…

How to Enable OneSignal Web Push Notifications SendTag For Drupal (User Segmentation by Interests)


I spent a good amount of time, trying to learn how to implement a better user segmentation on OneSignal. The best I could get so far was the default OneSiganal's out of the box segmentation based on user country. As my blog covers many mutually unrelated topics, I was not utilizing the power of push notifications at 100%. In fact, after getting more than 26,000 subscribers (over a year) I felt afraid every-time I sent out a web push notification, as user targeting was very poor. At OneSignal …

How to send OneSignal RSS Push Notifications Using Zapier


I've been using OneSignal to collect web push subscribers for my blog, since November 2016, by now I can brag with more than 12,000 web push subscribers for this blog. As I keep writing on many topics, I don't find it a good idea of sending RSS notification for each new article. How To Setup Web Push Notifications For Drupal 8 (Or Any Other Site) Using OneSignal Actually this is the thing I'm missing on OneSignal, a better segmentation. By now I keep sending web push notifications manually -…

How To Setup Web Push Notifications For Drupal 8 (Or Any Other Site) Using OneSignal


Web push notifications are hot in 2017, we will see them more in future for sure. I've been using web push notifications for my personal blog and from what I've seen - it's very powerful marketing tool, allowing you to reach your audience very fast - for blogs and websites that means more returning visitors, for commerce sites that definitely means more sales. In the past I've tried a few web push notifications providers, but at the end I've chose to stay with, because of it's …