
Blog statistics June 2014


<p>This month was pretty good if compared with previous months in terms of website statistics. I reached <strong>1491 unique visitors</strong>, what is <strong>45.18% increase</strong> <a href="">compared with my blog statistics in May.</a></p><p><img src="…; width="1005" height="392…

Add Pin It button to hover over any image


In this tutorial I will show how to add Pin it button for every image on your website. But before that you might check my tutorial how to add Pin it button to Drupal 7  Bellow is an example with working hover Pin it button Hover over image to see Pin it button on left top corner You will need to add following code to your website (in <head>section</head> <!-- Please call pinit.js only once per page --> <script type="text/javascript" async data-pin-hover="true" src…

How to add Pin It button to Drupal 7


In this Drupal tutorial I will show you how to add Pinterest Pin It Button to Drupal 7 site using views and html.tpl.php file. I like it keep it simple, and I have created a separate view for all social share plugins (Facebook, Twitter, G+ and Pinterest). Each of the social sites came with his own JavaScript you have to load either to your template.php file or I prefer to add it to html.tpl.php in theme folder (If you have not it, consider creating it). Add Pinterest script to your html.tpl.…