
How To Start a Newsletter with Substack and Get Paid


In this article, I'm going to talk about how I launched a paid newsletter on Substack and what steps I took to grow my audience from 0 subscribers to 100 in just7 months (April - December 2021) Here is my newsletter Covered Calls with Reinis Fischer I decided to brand this newsletter in my name, and not to chose something in general, adding Covered Calls clearly identifies the target audience (options trading). Now as a person with more than 10 years of experience in search engine…

Covered Calls with Reinis Fischer Stock Fund


Those of you following my blog for a while, probably have noticed I love writing a lot about stock and options trading. In fact, I'm running a separate fremium newsletter posting most of my options trades online - Covered Calls with Reinis Fischer It took me some time to find the best solution for newsletters, and I'm very happy with the substack platform. With substack I can focus on whats important - content and growing subscriber base. The rest is done by the platform. A few days ago I…