Economic notes

<p>I can spend hours by researching latest GDP data on <a href="">World DataBank</a> to later import&nbsp;them&nbsp;to&nbsp;Google Spreadsheets and make some graphs, diagrams or charts. In fact, posts about <a href="; target="_blank">minimum wages</a> in <a href="; target="_blank">European Union</a> member countries are one of the most read on this blog. <em>Minimum wages, average wages, GDP, different World regions</em> are just a few to name topics covered in Economic notes by Reinis Fischer.</p>

Average Monthly Salary in Former Soviet Union Republics 2016


About two years ago I first compared average monthly salary in Former Soviet Union Republics. Now, two years later, I decided to compare again. I was surprised after seeing results. Let me explain. First - call it as you wish - major world economic crisis, sanctions against Russia, better integrated or worst integrated parts of the World, but after seeing huge drops in all but Baltic States and Armenia's average salary for me it seems, those countries are still very closely related with Russia…

Life Expectancy in European Union 2015


In today's article - Life expectancy in European Union (EU).  Life expectancy equals the average number of years a person born in a given country expected to live if mortality rates at each age were to remain steady in the future. In following table I have listed the life expectancy separately for males and females, as well as a combined figure in EU in year 2015. There was an average life expectancy in EU of 79.6 years for both female and male. With higher life expectancy for females (82.4)…

Georgia - 5 years latter (Economic Developments 2011-2016)


April 1st marks my five year anniversary since I opted to move to this amazing country on the edge where East meets West - Republic of Georgia. Today, to celebrate this small anniversary I decided to take a look back - to see economic developments in Georgia 2011-2016 - how things how changed since I first landed at Tbilisi airport back at at April 1st, 2011.  See: 3 years in Georgia and 16 places to visit in Georgia and Tbilisi , for my previous annul reviews about Georgia. As for a small…

Projected Future Forecast For GDP In Former Soviet Union Block Countries (2014-2019)


In past I have created many GDP reviews regarding former Soviet Union republics, but have never made future GDP forecast report yet. In this article that's exactly what I'm doing. Now, Soviet Union doesn't exist for more than 25 years already. Those former 15 republics have gone more or less separate way since dissolution of USSR.   There has happened some geopolitical changes over last 25 years, starting of dissolution of USSR, formation of CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States), three of…

Stratfor: How Currency Woes Undermine Georgia, Moldova


Governments across the former Soviet Union have felt the impact of currency devaluations, but currency depreciations and related economic problems in Georgia and Moldova are exposing their governments to major political pitfalls this year, including even potential government collapse. Both countries have been pursuing greater integration with the West but are still heavily linked to Russia, making them susceptible to Russia's economic downturn. Economic difficulties will undermine both…

Lithuania joins Eurozone


<p>January 1st, 2015 is a historic day for a Baltic nation - Lithuania is changing it currency to Euro, following Latvia (2014) and Estonia (2011).</p><p>Starting today - there are 19 countries in Euro zone.&nbsp;</p><p>Here is the article I found on <a href="">BBC by&nbsp;Zivile Kropaite</a></p><p><span>Some Lithuanians fear price rises, but opinion polls point to growing…

World Tourism Highlights for 2013, UNWTO 2014 Edition


<p>Did you now that <strong>9% of Worlds GDP in 2013</strong> was made thanks to tourism and related services?</p><p>It turns out that every <strong>1 of 11 employee</strong>s is employed in tourism sector. Tourism industry in 2013 <strong>generated $1.4 trillions</strong> in export, what is about <strong>6% of Worlds export</strong> and pretty serious <strong>29% of services export.</strong></p><p><img…

Baltic States Vs South Caucasus States by GDP 2013


A while ago I already compared Baltic nations with Caucasian nation by GDP (that time I was comparing data for 2012). Since it's second half of 2014 already, I decided to compare how 6 independent states looks alike in 2013 (Most recent data we can get from World Bank) Some might argue - why I'm comparing those regions? Well - why not?  Baltic states and South Caucasus GDP 2013/2012 Country 2012 ($bln) 2013 ($bln) Growth ($bln) Azerbaijan 68.73 73.56  4.83 Lithuania…

Average Salary in Former Soviet Union 2014


Some time ago I did a comparison of minimum government set wages in Former Soviet Union republics. Today, I decided to figure out - what is the average salaries in those republics. I must admit, it was harder to gather data about average salaries, than gathering data for minimum wages. Seems governments are not eager to share such data. So in this average salary table you will find figures for 2012, 2013 and 2014. Unfortunately it makes this table not 100% reliable, but it gives us some…

Top 10 Largest Countries by GDP 2013


Last year I started to pay more attention to the TOP 10 largest economies in the World by terms of Gross Domestic Product. It's time to compare them again. Top 20 Largest Economies In The World by GDP Nominal (2019) Gross Domestic Product in TOP 10 Largest Economies 2013 Rank Country 2012 2013 Growth bln $ Growth % 1 United States 16,244 16,800 556 3.42 2 China 8,229 9,240 1,011 12.28 3 Japan 5,937 4,901 -1,036 -17.44 4…