GEL to USD exchange rates start of May

<p>According to exchange rates issued by National Bank of Georgia, USD to GEL exchange rates on 02.05.2014 are&nbsp;<strong>1.7700</strong>, what is up by <strong>0.0185</strong> if <a href="… to middle of April</a>.</p><p><img src="; width="710" height="340"></p><p>Since start of this year GEL has lost already 0.0334 from its value on 01.01.2014.</p><p>Or by other words saying, if in start of this year we had 1000 GEL we could buy for them $575.83, then today with 1000 GEL we can buy just $564.97, in total we have lost $10.82 in 4 months.</p><p>In case you are doing business in Georgia I would suggest for you to switch your currency from GEL to EUR or USD. By so, you will not loose $10 for each 1000 GEL, but probably win.</p>