Web Analytics

How To Enable Google Analytics Display Features


<p><span style="line-height: 1.538em;">Some time ago playing around with my Google Analytics reports, I noticed a tab called <strong>Demographics</strong>. In fact I have &nbsp;noticed this tab already in past though this time I decided to enable it (<em>or to find a way to enable</em>) and learn more about it - how it could help me in my blogging adventures.</span></p><p><img src="http://www.reinisfischer.com/sites/…

How To Set Event Based Google Analytics Goals - Amazon Affiliate Links Tracking Example


<p>In this article I will guide you through - how one (perhaps you) can define custom even based goals in Google Analytics reports - and I will give you a real example - how to track Outbound links to Amazon.</p><p>With this post I'm starting a new topic series in my blog - <a href="http://www.reinisfischer.com/web-analytics&quot; target="_blank">Web Analytics</a>. I have already previously covered different topics related to web analytic…