Drupal Development

<p>Looking for an experienced Drupal developer for your next web project or mobile app? Look no further than Reinis Fischer! With over 10 years of experience serving small and medium businesses in Tbilisi and Riga, Reinis is your go-to expert for all things Drupal. <a href="https://www.reinisfischer.com/about">Contact him today</a> to learn more or check out his latest Drupal-related blog posts below.</p>

Drupal: Create Dynamical Menus with Menu Views


Today working on a customer's Drupal project, I found a kind of strange need - to display for authenticated users their flagged content in a drop-down menu - kinda Facebook, LinkedIn behavior, when you click on gear icon and magic happens - you see your latest messages, invitations, and e.t.c. So I must admit - at the start I didn't have an idea - how actually to flag content. But luckily for me, a few years ago - I was playing with Flags Module and working on this project I decided flags will…

Drupal Panels: A Powerful Tool for Layouts, But Are They Too Complicated?


As a content management system, Drupal offers a range of powerful features that make it a top choice for developers and businesses alike. One such feature is Drupal Panels, which allows you to create custom page layouts without needing to write any code. However, some developers and website owners find that Drupal Panels can be complicated and time-consuming to use. In this article, we'll explore what Drupal Panels are, how they work, and some common concerns that people have about using them…

Open Atrium - Love it or Hate it


<p>Some potential customer of mine would like to build an intranet site after several meetings we have negotiated we could use Open Atrium for building a companies intranet site.</p><p>Honestly speaking I'm not very familiar with Open Atrium, and I have ambivalent feelings regarding this.</p><p>I can only agree that OA probably is one of the best open source solutions for your companies intranet, on the other hand it involves a huge learning curve, even for me…

How to add Open Graph protocol for your Drupal site


The Open Graph protocol is a set of meta tags that can be added to web pages to improve how they are displayed on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. By including Open Graph tags, website owners can control how their content appears in social media feeds, including the title, description, and thumbnail image. In this article, we will discuss how to add an Open Graph protocol for your Drupal site. Step 1: Install the Metatag module The first step in adding Open Graph…

How To Hide Drupal Block For Nodes In Specific Taxonomy - Example With Google Adsense


<p>In this Drupal Development tutorial I will show how one (perhaps you) can hide a block for nodes on specific taxonomy. But before we dig in, lets look to an example.</p><p>Let's say you are displaying Google Adsense ads on your Drupal website or blog, ads are displayed by using blocks. Everyhting fine. But then you realize, there are some pages (nodes) you are not willing to show Google Ads. For example you are doing an affiliate marketing, and you have specific…

SEO Best Practices for Drupal 7: Managing No-Follow and Do-Follow Links


Learn how to implement nofollow external links while still maintaining dofollow internal links on your Drupal website in this tutorial. It's important to understand the reasons why you should consider this option, especially with the Google Panda and Penguin algorithms constantly fighting low-quality websites. To stay safe, it's best to avoid copy-pasting or scrapping content, and minimize the number of low-quality internal and external links. For better on-site SEO, avoid using dofollow…

Related nodes based on taxonomy terms


Today I will show you, how you can create a list with related items for your Drupal site using taxonomy terms and Drupal views. At first you will need you actual content with taxonomy terms on it. If you are not familiar how to add taxonomy terms to your Drupal site, you might want to read this guide on that. I presume you have your content set up, it's tagged with different terms. Now lets add a block with related items on that. Related nodes based on taxonomy terms In above screen you…

Google+ comments block for Drupal site


Lately I have been paying more attention to power of Google+ and so I decided to give a try to Google+ comments on a Drupal site. Google for me generates about 70-80 percent of traffic, and so I guess most of the users will have Google account, to comment without need to login/register onmy site or let's say Disqus comment system I'm currently using on my blog. As you can see - comment block is really nice, and taking in consideration it's Google comment system I guess it might only help…

Working with Drupal views attachments


Drupal views attachments is a nice feature, which allows us to extend  Drupal views. For example, we can create a featured view and attach to it other view displaying additional information. One of the reasons I love views attachments is because of I can create a main view and add to it smaller view and offset some items: With views attachment sky is the limit, you can build for example a restaurant list view and attach to it Gmap style map, displaying both grid view with results and map…

Google Authorship for Drupal


Updated: Google seems doesn't takes into consideration Google Authorship markup I have been many times heard that adding Google Authorship tag to your website will help you in terms of SEO. So I decided to add Google Authorship tag to my blog and observe results. What is Google Authorship? Good for authors like you Distinguish and validate your content in search results. Get more followers on Google+. Help readers discover your other content on the web. Good for the web Help users find…