Drupal views

Drupal 7 Archive Drop Down Menu


In this tutorial I will show how to create Drop-down menu for your monthly archives using Drupal 7 and views. At first, please read this Drupal 7 tutorial on how to create Drupal archive page. By following this guide, you will learn how to create monthly archive page using views, and we go to add one minor change to change it to drop down menu. Open that views page, select contextual filters, and change settings from unformatted to jump menu: That's it, so easy. For more Drupal tutorials…

A Simple Workaround to Display AdSense Ads in Drupal Views


Google AdSense is a popular platform for publishers to monetize their websites by displaying ads to their visitors. If you have a Drupal website and want to display Google AdSense ads in your views, there is a simple workaround that can help you achieve this goal. In this article, we'll guide you through the steps to display Google AdSense ads in your Drupal views.  Step 1: Install and configure the AdSense module The first step in displaying Google AdSense ads in your Drupal views is to…

How to Add a Facebook Share Button to Drupal Views


Adding a Facebook share button to your Drupal website can help improve your website's user experience. By making it easier for visitors to share your content, you can encourage more engagement and interaction with your website, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and better overall website performance. A time ago, I created a tutorial showing how you can add a Facebook-like button to your Drupal-powered site. That tutorial was pretty easy because we used a module. Today I'm willing to…

How to Showcase Popular Content on Your Drupal Website


Drupal is a popular content management system used by many businesses and organizations to create and manage their websites. One of the key features of Drupal is the ability to display popular content on your website. By displaying popular content, you can increase engagement and drive more traffic to your website. In this article, we will discuss how to display popular content in Drupal. On the picture above, you can see the most popular blog posts on my blog 15:05:01 2013-10-16. Step 1:…