
How To Display Image Galleries with Thumbnails on Drupal with Flex Slider


Recently, I faced a challenge while trying to display image galleries on a Drupal-powered website. While there are a few modules that you can use to build your gallery view, such as the Views Slideshow Gallery module, I recently discovered some Drupal-powered sites using the Flex Slider library. Excited by this new discovery, I tried to create a gallery with thumbnails, but unfortunately, it didn't work out as expected. However, I eventually found a solution on how to configure Flex Slider to…

A Premier Drupal Developer Serving Tbilisi, Riga, and the World


When it comes to professional Drupal development, few names are as synonymous with excellence as Reinis Fischer. With a career that spans multiple countries and continents, Reinis has established himself as a highly sought-after Drupal developer, working with clients in Tbilisi, Riga, and beyond. Reinis' expertise in Drupal development has been honed through years of hands-on experience, working with a wide range of clients and projects. His deep understanding of the Drupal platform and its…

Expert Drupal Development Services in Tbilisi, Georgia


Drupal is a popular open-source content management system that has been widely adopted by web agencies for the creation and management of websites for their clients. In Tbilisi, Georgia, there are several web agencies specializing in Drupal development, providing a range of services to businesses and organizations looking to establish a presence on the web. One of the leading specialists in the field is Reinis Fischer, with over 10 years of experience working with small and medium-sized…

Get Insights into Your Site Visitors' Engagement with the Click Heat Map for Drupal


Have you ever wondered where your website visitors are clicking on your pages? Knowing this information can help you make important design decisions, such as where to place ads for maximum impact. That's where the Click Heat Map for Drupal comes in! To get started, you'll need to download both the ClickHeat module and library. Simply extract the module to the sites/all/modules directory and the library to the sites/all/libraries directory. Next, follow the simple installation instructions…

How to configure postmarkapp to work with Drupal webform


If you are running your site under Apache then most probably your server will be auto configured with mail send module. But if you are running, lets say Ngnix without mail send function enabled, then you might consider some options to send e-mails from your site. And one of this options is to use Postmarkapp.com service. Today I'll show how to configure your Drupal powered site to deliver e-mails using postmarkapp and few handy modules. At first - go to the postmarkapp.com and sign up for a…

Floating social share buttons


Previously I already wrote how to add Facebook like button to your site, using a simple module. Today I'll how how to add floating social share buttons using custom code: Here is an example page: This will work for Facebook, Twitter and Google + buttons: Add this code to your theme files: <div id="pageshare"> <div class="sbutton" id="fb"> <a name="fb_share"type="box_count" href="http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php">Share</a><script src="http://static.ak.fbcdn.…

Drupal pathauto + transliteration


Are you writing in different language than English, languages like Russian, Greek, Georgian, Hebrew or maybe Latvian? You find it's not attractive URL generated? In this article you will learn how to fix this using Drupal CMS and a neat module - Transliteration. Take a look at these screenshots: Here is Latvian URL in Chrome: Chrome handles special characters nicely. The same URL in Mozilla Firefox: First problems detected - special characters have been converted to %C%4 - not nice.…

Building a Drupal site from scratch - Complete series


<p>Some time has passed away, since I started my tutorial how to build a Drupal site from scratch. I'm making this post to list all series</p><ul><li><a href="http://www.reinisfischer.com/building-drupal-site-scratch-part-1-planin… a Drupal site from scratch - part 1 - planing</a>&nbsp;</li><li><a href="http://www.reinisfischer.com/building-drupal-site-scratch-part-2-applyi… a Drupal site from scratch - part 2 - Applying a…

Drupal: Sending Confirmation Emails from Your Webform


Today, I encountered a problem that at first seemed like a pain, but in the end, turned out to be simpler than I thought. I needed to send a confirmation email to the submitter of a webform, letting them know that their email had been received, along with some plain text instructions. A while back, I wrote about how to add a contact form to Drupal, and today I want to share with you how to send a confirmation email to the submitter. This is the screenshot for webform I have on my site. As…

Simplifying Drupal View Editing with Contextual Links


I have been working with Drupal since its 6th release, and one of the reasons I love it is due to Views. In all the websites I've built using Drupal, Views make up 80% of the site structure. I am familiar with what each View does and where to find it. However, I have always been puzzled by the presence of direct edit links for both Views and blocks in the theme region. At first, I thought it was related to the version of Views, but later on, I realized that this was not the case. Despite my…