Google Adsense

Change of Adsense ads for better layout - Experiment 1


<p>I have been serving ads on my resources for a while. Today I was looking through my CTR measures, and discovered that ads on my blog performs very poorly. And I decided to change that.</p><p>For now I had CTR rate about 0.60% on my blog, by serving two ad units - one sidebar and one embed into text.&nbsp;</p><p>Sidebars performs very poorly, and seem embedded ads into text doesn't performs as desired. So I decided to make few changes.</p><p…

Google Adsense April Fools day


<p>Google Adsense has made nice April Fools day joke:</p><p><img src="…; width="950" height="400"></p><p>:)</p>

Maximizing Earnings with Google AdSense: A Comprehensive Guide to Launching Your Own Niche Website (2014)


Welcome to my journey of creating a niche website to earn money through Google AdSense! In this article, I will take you through my journey of starting and closing my first AdSense niche site, and my plans for the next 30 days. Back in the day (2014), I was determined to make money through AdSense and I chose a niche that I was passionate about. I did thorough keyword research, created a new website, and made my first posts. Despite ranking well and attracting about 2,000 users in the first…

Google AdSense Success Story: How I Went from €0 to €100 in Lifetime Revenue Over 4 and a Half Years


Exciting news! After 4 and a half years, I've finally reached a major milestone in my Google AdSense earnings - €100 in lifetime revenue, which is approximately equivalent to $137.54. I know what you're thinking, that's not a lot, but for me, it's a significant accomplishment. I still remember the day I first added AdSense to one of my websites, back on September 4, 2009. It's been a long journey to get here, but I'm proud of my progress. Update: It's been a year since I reached my €100…

Choosing a Profitable Niche for Your AdSense Website


Are you looking to create a profitable AdSense niche site, but don't know where to start? Look no further, as we've got you covered. Finding the perfect niche for your AdSense site is crucial to your success. In this article, we'll discuss the best strategies to find a profitable niche, and provide some tips to help you create a successful AdSense niche site. Conduct thorough keyword research Keyword research is the first step to finding a profitable AdSense niche. Start by brainstorming…

January 2014 - Blog Income Report $8.37


Welcome to the first online income report of website. My blog now is about 4 months old, and starting in January I decided to experiment - can a blogger earn any decent income from blogging, I decided to make public my online success or failures. I have been active online since 2005, it's almost 10 years now. But my online income was and still is relatively low. In a matter of 5 years, I have earned Google AdSense a lit bit more than $100. But I'm willing to change that…

Making Money Online with AdSense: My Journey to a $40 Monthly Income


I've been blogging for a while now and recently, I published my first online income report, showing a grand total of eight dollars earned from Google AdSense. This might not seem like much, but it's actually an improvement from the previous years. I've been using Google AdSense on low-traffic websites since 2009, and over that period, I've earned just a little over $100. That's about $20 a year, or about $1.66 per month, or just $0.05 a day. The reason my AdSense earnings have been so low is…

From 5 Daily Visitors to 1114: The Impact of One Reddit Comment (2014)


My blog recently saw its first significant surge in traffic, going from an average of 5 daily visitors to an impressive 1114 in just two days. So what caused this sudden growth? One of my earliest blog posts, entitled "Ukraine vs Poland GDP 1990-2012", was published on October 10th, 2013. Although it received a few Google searches over the following months, it wasn't until January 24th that I noticed a significant spike in traffic. The cause of this sudden increase was traced back to a…

A Simple Workaround to Display AdSense Ads in Drupal Views


Google AdSense is a popular platform for publishers to monetize their websites by displaying ads to their visitors. If you have a Drupal website and want to display Google AdSense ads in your views, there is a simple workaround that can help you achieve this goal. In this article, we'll guide you through the steps to display Google AdSense ads in your Drupal views.  Step 1: Install and configure the AdSense module The first step in displaying Google AdSense ads in your Drupal views is to…

Can Facebook Boosted Posts Drive Profitable Traffic through Google AdSense?


Lately, I've been pondering over the question of whether it's possible to monetize traffic driven from Facebook Boosted Posts. I recently conducted an experiment where I used the Facebook Boosted Posts feature for the first time and was impressed with the results. The traffic generated was so promising that I decided to test the potential for monetization through Google AdSense. In January 2014, I planned to use Facebook Boosted Posts multiple times, each time spending $5, with the goal of…