
My First Iron Condor Trade - Lessons Learned


This article has been in the blog's draft section for a couple of months and as it still bears some useful information I decided to publish as it is with little comments at the end. On August 13, 2019 I made my first Iron Condor trade - I sold following IC SPY AUG 14'19 294 / 284 / 293 / 283.5 @ 0.51 This trade was with a 1 day to expiration (DTE), I collected 51 USD from this trade, and paid in fees 9.6 USD (Interactive Broker charges each direction, and Iron Condor consists from 4 legs - 2…

Recovery Plan Using Naked Puts on Dividend Stocks


In the month of November 2019, I kept suffering from my trades on indexes. I took a loss of about EUR 3,000. If there was a lesson learned, then liquidity, stop loss and too many open positions are 3 simple things to follow in the future. Anyhow, I decided to stop trading instruments without underlying (no more futures or indexes until further notice) The further written is copy/paste from my e-mail to a friend/ coach/ mentor (little editing added to make it blog readable) As I had a negative…

How To Count Duplicates in Google Spreadsheets (COUNTIF)


I've been using Google Spreadsheets literally for everything that can be counted or measured (dividend income, stock trades, body weight and so on).  And so did when I decided to build an option trading journal I built it using Google Spreadsheets. Everything good here, except I decided to count how many trades there have been, how many are open, how many are closed, how many are winning, how many are losing and based on that make a simple calculation to figure out what is my winning rate…

Trading Bitcoin / Ethereum Options (Selling Puts) on Deribit - Part 1


Deribit is my latest discovery from the crazy crypto world. It all started with simple buy-and-hold operations back in 2017. What followed was, a day trading on Poloniex,  I even built a custom Ethereum mining rig. I have played with cloud mining contracts from hashflare,  and now I've found my way into Bitcoin / Ethereum options trading. It's not that I would call myself an expert in options trading, in fact, I have made just a couple of put sales in the regular stock market - I tend to…

My First Option Trade: FTR Aug16'19 2 Put @0.45


Now, this is exciting - in the late evening of March 28th, 2019 (GMT) I made my first options trade (s). To get to this point it took me a couple of months and a lot of reading, talking and watching YouTube videos. A huge learning curve and a lot of incomprehensible. Anyway - I just made it, my first options trade - probably really dumb, probably I will lose after all, but I feel very excited that at least I get it through. Now, as you already can see from the title, here is what I did: FTR…