January 2023 Blog Traffic And Income Report 25,001 Users / $231.63

| Online Income Reports | 13 seen

Welcome to the latest edition of the blog traffic and income reports for January 2023.

These reports help me keep track of my progress and give you a behind-the-scenes look at my blog's performance. I'm using OpenAI to help me write this article for better SEO.

Blog Traffic in January 2023

The month of January saw an increase in blog traffic compared to December 2022, with 25,001 unique visitors visiting my blog.  The increase in traffic shows that my efforts to stop the decline and return to growth are paying off.

Blog traffic January 2023. Data source: Google Analytics

Compared to January 2022, the traffic is also up by +21%. However, my goal is to bring the blog back to its former glory and reach at least 50,000 monthly visitors. To achieve this, I need to focus on writing high-quality articles and updating older content.

Last December, I made some changes to my blog, returning Disqus comments and fixing AMP. These changes seem to be paying off, as about 60% of the total pageviews were served by AMP in January.

The current AMP page asks for some updates and I will work on them in the month of February

Income in January 2023

To monetize my blog, I use Amazon Associates and Google Adsense. In January, my total income from both sources was $231.63, which is a decrease from December's earnings.

Although the holiday season is over and I expected a drop in revenue, I'm still optimistic about the future. I'm hoping that the changes I made to my blog will give me a boost in revenue, and I'm forecasting a modest $300 for the month of February.

Besided exploring chat GPT by openAI to improve my writtings by updating older articles and making new ones I will work to improve current AMP version for my blog.


In conclusion, I'm pleased with the progress my blog has made in January, and I'm looking forward to continuing to grow my traffic and revenue in the future. I'd love to hear from my readers about their experiences in December and any passive income they made. So feel free to leave a comment below.