#4 Coin of the Week: BTC (Bitcoin)

| Investments | 3 seen

Since the end of August 2023, I've been working on the Terramatris crypto hedge fund, growing the portfolio from scratch by selling put options on Ethereum.

Every week we choose one crypto coin and invest all premium in it. In the last weeks, we have already invested in XLM, ETH and USDC

For the fourth week - we have decided to go with Bitcoin, the king of all coins. Every time we are going to take options premiums this week (September  11 -  September 17), we will re-invest the premium back in BTC coin for our long-term crypto portfolio.

I guess Bitcoin shouldn't raise any questions, We love Bitcoin and just logical we want to keep it in our long-term portfolio. Besided being a great asset for hodling, we want to accumulate at least 0.01 BTC and start selling covered calls on it. 

As of September 10, 2023, we are holding  0 BTC worth $0.00. Looking to hold at least Bitcoin worth of $20 by the end of the week.