#1 Coin of the Week: Stellar XLM

| Investments | 4 seen

I have been working on TerraMatris.EU crypto hedge fund since late 2022, the fund has had its ups and downs - but the main idea has stayed the same - we are selling put options against Ethereum and reinvesting premium back into crypto

This week I came up with a plan to reinvest premiums into altcoins.

The plan is simple - every week we will invest options premium in a different cryptcoin, coins might repeat after at least 4 weeks, but in general, we want to have a healthy mix with dollar cost averaged price. 

Without further ado - for the first week - we go with the Stellar XLM coin. Every time we are going to take options premiums this week (August 21 -27), we will re-invest the premium back in XLM coin for our long-term crypto portfolio.

Stellar price as on August 21, 2023

Stellar (XLM) is a peer-to-peer (P2P) decentralized network created in 2014 by The Stellar Development Foundation or Stellar.org. The network officially launched in 2015 with the purpose of connecting the world's financial systems and ensuring a protocol for payment providers and financial institutions. The platform is designed to move financial resources swiftly and reliably at minimal cost. Stellar links people, banks, and payment processors and allows users to create, send and trade multiple types of crypto.

As of August 23, 2023, we are holding 26 XLM coins worth $3.16.