Blog Traffic Report - June 2015 - 22,569 Users

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<p>Welcome to the 21st blog traffic and statistics report. Since the very first month of my blogging career I have created a monthly <a href="; target="_blank">blog statistics</a> and starting January 2014 a <a href="">blog income reports</a>.</p><p><strong>June was the absolute best in traffic numbers yet</strong>. For the third time I managed to crack the 20,000 user milestone and did set a new personal record (yet) - 22,569 monthly users. I first cracked 20K milestone back in <a href="…; target="_blank">March</a> and <a href="…; target="_blank">May</a> (2015). Technically speaking my traffic numbers have been around 20K since the start of 2015.</p><p><img src="; alt="Blog Traffic Report June 2015 Source: Google Analytics" title="Blog Traffic Report June 2015 Source: Google Analytics" width="1200" height="619"></p><p><em>Blog Traffic Report June 2015 Source: Google Analytics</em></p><ul><li>June comes with a 8.29% traffic gain if compared to <a href="">… of May</a>. Average daily user count: 752.33.</li></ul><p>Now - at the end of my May traffic report I expressed hopes to reach modest - 5% growth in June. <strong>Well, I reached more than 8% growth last month. Great!</strong></p><p>An medium traffic spike to my blog happened at the start of June, when my post about a<a href="; target="_blank">verage salaries in European Union</a> got posted on Reddit. That day traffic to my blog accounted to 2,071 users.&nbsp;</p><p>This was a third major traffic spike to my blog in it's short 21 month existence period. Read more: <a href="; target="_blank">First Traffic Spike</a>, <a href="…; target="_blank">Second traffic spike</a>.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>I'm looking to crack 30,000 user per month milestone in&nbsp;coming&nbsp;months</strong><em> (It would be nice to reach that milestone at the end of September)</em></p><p>In June I posted 31 articles, mainly photo stories and best selling lists .</p><p><span style="font-size: 1.385em; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1.538em;">June 2015 VS June 2014</span></p><p><span>This is another interesting trend I like to measure. My blog now is 21 months old and since I have been doing monthly traffic reports from the very first blogging month, it's easy to compare where I was year ago.</span></p><p><span><img src="…; alt="Blog Traffic Report: June 2015 vs June 2014 (Data source: Google Analytics)" title="Blog Traffic Report: June 2015 vs June 2014 (Data source: Google Analytics)" width="1200" height="572"></span></p><p><em>Blog Traffic Report: June 2015 vs June 2014 (Data source: Google Analytics)</em></p><p><span>Right, <strong>having a 1,413.68% growth over a year</strong> is an awesome growth. If I would manage to keep such growth rates in a long term, then in June 2016 I should have 341,622.43 users. Well I doubt I will reach a one fifth (68,000) of that number a year latter, but <strong>I would love to see some 55,000 users after one year</strong>.</span></p><h2><span><span>Road to 100,000 Users in a month</span></span></h2><p>Starting last&nbsp;<a href="; target="_blank">July</a>, I have been measuring my success (or failures) to reach 100,000 unique visitors in a month.</p><p>Since there is nothing much I can analyse (just actual traffic results) - at end of the June 2015 - I stand at 22,56% level of eventual 100,000 unique visitors. That's almost &nbsp;1/4 of my goal. I doubt I will reach 100 K any time soon, but I believe it might happen in next 2 years (Last summer I was concerned that it should take at least 5 years)</p><h2><span>Any forecast for next month? Maybe next year?</span></h2><p><span>Sure buddy, sure. A<span>s usual I will end my traffic report post with a forecast/goal for the next month. And for the second time I will try to forecast my traffic report for the next year.</span></span></p><p><span><span>Speaking of the monthly forecast - I will keep it a humble and will aim for a 10% growth. 25,000 (or close to that) unique users at the end of July will be absolutely brilliant result.</span></span></p><p><span><span><strong>Now, regarding a forecast for the next year</strong><span>. That's a tough one actually! I will say I would love to see 55,000 unique users for the month of June 2016.&nbsp;</span></span></span></p><p><strong>Any comments?</strong></p>