Blog Traffic Report - September 2014

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<p>Welcome to my monthly blog traffic report. This month it's kinda special it marks 12 months since I started to blog. Though the <a href="… one year of blogging will be marked on October 10th</a>.</p><p>A year ago - I started my blogging adventure, and one of my goals was to achieve <em>around 6,000 unique visitors</em> in month till the end of September/October (2014).</p><p>So, for September it's for sure, <em>I didn't reached my goal - 6,000 unique visitors a month..</em></p><h2>How my blog performed on month of September?</h2><p>I got <strong><em>3,364</em> unique visitors</strong>, what is a<strong> 30.19% growth</strong> compared to <a href="">August traffic</a></p><p><img src="…; alt="September blog traffic report" title="September blog traffic report" width="1034" height="390"></p><p><em>September blog traffic report</em></p><ul><li>I have managed to attract <strong>780 more unique visitors</strong> if compared to previous month (2584)</li><li>3,384 unique visitors makes <strong>average 112.13 unique's day</strong>, what is <strong>up by 28.78 a day</strong> (previous 83.35)</li><li>The least visitors as usual I'm getting on weekends, the day with less visitors sent me 74 unique visitors</li></ul><p>I did fail of <a href="">writing a minimum 500 words per article per day</a>, but I didn't fail to write every day. Main issue with minimum 500 words per article - 10 days travel abroad, and acquiring a new customer on large scale <a href="">Drupal projects</a>, which literally takes off almost all of mine free time. Good for my job, bad for my blog.</p><p>Unfortunately it seems &nbsp;I will not be able to complete this month (October) with minimum 500 words per day as well. I'm still working on my main job, and I have a 7 days travel to Spain planned at the middle of October.&nbsp;</p><p>To not to miss a day in my blogging career I'm using a few "cheats" one of them is <em>writing in form of future</em>. I have built some Drupal magic to help me publish content in "future". I will definetly use this tactic this month as well. The problem - I still don't have much free spare time for writing stuff :(</p><h2>Power of Google Search</h2><p>Trend which started last month, continued in September as well. My primary traffic source is Google search engine. September marked a record high number of organic search making it total in 84.76% from all traffic.</p><p>If honest, I'm a bit scarred... I mean to relay on Google for 84.76% might be dangerous. Unfortunately I didn't perform much social media activities last month, though I have a pretty solid Twitter followers base (more than 13K)</p><p>Now, in overall I'm happy with September traffic results, though I didn't achieved a goal I set about a year ago - to reach 6,000 unique visitors. There still is time to complete this goal in October, but if honest, I doubt it will happen so soon. I believe it's achievable in next 3 months though. <strong>Probably I will achieve 6,000 mark by end of this December.</strong></p><p>Speaking of my forecast for this month (October) - i will keep my forecast modest - <strong>I'm looking for 10% growth. 3,700 - 4,000 is my forecast and goal for this month.</strong></p><p>P.S. When I forecasted results for September, this is what I said:</p><blockquote><p><span>To get above 3,000 unique visitors.</span></p></blockquote><p><span>Well, that's done. </span></p><p>And again I'm very pleased with results, but most interesting will follow tomorrow, when I'll share my <a href="">Online Income Report</a> for month of September.&nbsp;</p>