September 2015 Traffic and Income Report (36,670 Users/ $254.01)

Welcome to the 21th traffic and income report of this blog. In this post I will cover some details about income and expenses I have made in month of September as well I will share some insights about traffic numbers.

In case you are wondering why should someone publish online his/her earnings - the answer is pretty simple - I like transparency and these reports help me to observe my progress or bounces. Hopefully my reports can give some inspiration to you as well. Read:  How to start a blog and make it successful

About Income/Expenses

A quick note: Some of the links below are affiliate links.By clicking on them I might end up earning some income from that.


*Amazon Associates includes Amazon CPM

Total Income: $951.41


  • Linode - $22.50
  • Facebook Ads - $7.90
  • New Laptop - $377.00
  • New Tripod - $250
  • New Sigma lens - $40

Total expenses: $697.4

Net Profit: $254.01

Thoughts on Income

  1. For the very first time I crossed $40/mo Google AdSense milestone. Actually back in February 2014 I even created such goal, now it took me 19 months to get to that point. Amazon Associates just like in August reports very lucrative earnings. Even income for Svorn CPM ads are up. Unfortunately there is a drop in Bookings and Bluehost. Well speaking of Booking I'm not too worried, because I believe it's just way too competitive to compete on hotel industry niche. Bluehost... well result could be better here, but ...things are as they are.
  2. Instead of Bluehost, Linode reports me some decent earnings (You cannot cash them out, but you can apply your earnings to your existing account and save on your payments) - so instead of paying $62.50 to Linode, I got $40 as referral income and paid just the rest. Linode does very well, as for now it reports me already 20 pending referrals. It's about $400, or some 10 monhts free ride on Linode. Read more: Linode Referrals Program - $20 per Signup
  3. Facebook ads - yes I use them sometimes, last month I used them to boost some event regarding Georgia Expat Photographer club first meeting.
  4. New laptop - this is a thing I looked to upgrade some time already
  5. New Tripod - photographers can spend $250 on a thing called tripod? Turns out they can spend $1000 and more with ease on things like that.
  6. Sigma Lens?- Yes, got for cheap a really valuable deal - paid $40 instead of $150 for 70mm-300mm sigma lens for my digital photography school project.

About Traffic

Blog traffic report September 2015

Blog traffic report September 2015. Data source: Google Analytics

  • Last September comes with a modest 6.26% traffic gain if compared to previous month (August).
  • It was second month in row being above 30k monthly users
  • Average daily user count: 1,222.3

Beyond the blog

365 day photo challenge

365 day photo challenge

  • During the fourth day of my photo challenge we headed to photograph Super moon above Tbilisi, what turned out to be a rescue operation

You can follow me on Flickr to see my progress in mastering DSRL, your comments are more than welcome. 

How did it go for you this month? Leave a comment, we are eager to hear!