
How To Create a Custom Drupal 8 Theme based on Bootstrap


When building a new Drupal website I prefer working with a Bootstrap theme and apply a subtheme  Just like in the case with Drupal 7, theming a subtheme based on Bootstrap is super simple - in a few words - download and enable a Drupal 8 bootstrap theme, then in the Drupal themes folder create a new theme folder and make a custom info.yml file here is a live example from theme in the themes folder, create a new folder -> optionbrew in the optionbrew folder create a new…

Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 9 - adding menu


<p>To add a menu to your Drupal site, you should enable menu module from your modules page:</p><p><img src="; alt="" width="1162" height="169"></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>When enabled, head to&nbsp;admin/structure/menu/manage/main-menu and a few menu links:</p><p><img src="…

Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 8 - Theming subtheme CSS


<p>In part 2 of series how to build a Drupal site from scratch, I'm talking about how to create a subtheme from Bootstrap theme.</p><p>Today I would like to speak how to actually theme it, because just enabled it comes empty,with all files served from Bootstrap mater theme.</p><p>By default Bootstrap theme is set to be 1200px and wider, this is first thing I would like to change for our customers tourism website we are using in thee Drupal series. I don't…

Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 2 - Applying a subtheme


Recently I started a tutorial series - How to build a Drupal site from scratch. In part 1 I'm talking about planing a site. In this tutorial I'm giving a real example for building a tourism companies web site for real customer. In part we learned that it's a wise to create a content type, which best describe products/services we gonna add (in our example tours). So I have added few tours to our site: As you can see from picture above, I'm using default Drupal bartik theme. Now is the right…

Getting Started with Building a Drupal Site from Scratch: Content Types, Fields


Building a website, whether it's using Drupal or not, requires careful planning and consideration. It's important to determine what the purpose of the website is, who the target audience is, and what value it will bring to your business. For instance, if the website is for a tourism company that offers fishing, hunting, and skiing tours, the first step would be to gather high-quality photos that showcase the destinations and activities offered. This could involve hiring a professional…