Notes from Tbilisi: Trading German Energy stocks, Dealing with Binance to transfer BUSD to Coinbase


Greeting from Tbilisi. The weather is hot, air conditioners are running, but the autumn winds are also present.  This morning I was looking at two European Stocks to trade options with Dutch ING bank or German E.ON. It turned out a holiday in the US (at least on the stock exchange), where Labourš day was observed, and the European market opened…

How to Place a Stop Loss Order on Coinbase Pro


For most of the time, I have been using a Coinbase Pro account just to buy and hold Bitcoin once a week. Just recently I started thinking about trading Bitcoin more frequently - like a couple of times per day using trade signals like Moving Averages with Golden and Death Cross. The idea is quite simple - Once there is a trade signal indicating a…

Starting To Learn Crypto Currency Day Trading With EUR 25


Originally I planed to start learning crypto currency day trading with the January 2018 (that's about 5 months from now), but then I realized - why wait?Let me explain - I've been in crypto currency investments for about 2 months now. I'm the one from buy and hold camp. I use averaging dollar cost approach to buy more crypto coins once in the…

Why I Rushed to Buy Ripple (XRP) Cryptocurrency at $0.19


I've been a lot into crypto currencies lately, in fact it's not even a full month passed since I've started my investment adventures into crypto currencies. For crypto investments I've a verified account and right now coinbase offers to buy just following three crypto currencies by VISA card - bitcoin, ethereum and litecoin,… Review - Automating Cryptocurrency Lending Free Bot Investor


A couple of weeks ago I purchased first crypto coins at, about a week ago I decided to invest them on, today I decided to use bot-investor to manage my crypto investments, I choose The service seems is quite new and is built by German enthusiasts / crypto investors, a pretty good introduction post about this…

Invest in Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Ethereum and other) Peer to Peer Lending -


Seems that crypto currencies are a hot thing on this blog during this Summer, though it was just recent, not even a month ago, when I decided to diversify my investment portfolio and allocate up to 5% space in it for crypto currency investments (buy and hold here).From my initial investments in crypto at the start of July (see: First Investment In…

First Investment In Crypto Currencies - Bought 0.2 ETH for EUR 50


It was in the late evening of July 3d, 2017 when I finally successfully bought my first crypto currency - I paid EUR 50 and get for that - 0.2 ETH. ETH stands for ethereum. Wonder what the heck is that? Don't worry, me neither.Or let' s say this way - I know there have been bitcoin around for about a decade or something, though I don't see any…