Drupal 8

How To Display Drupal 8 Block on all Taxonomy pages (taxonomy/term/)


Today working on my favorite website - optionsbrew.com, for a moment I faced a small issue - how to display block (s) on the default taxonomy/term page. I remember I was doing such tricks back in 2012 or 2013 and was wondering does it still applies in 2021, turns out -  it does! Here is the solution: on the Configure block page, under the Pages tab, enter /taxonomy/term/* and save Configuring Drupal 8 block Here is how our taxonomy term page looked before:   Drupal 8 default taxonomy…

How To Add CAPTCHA Protection to Drupal 8 Webform


Recently I launched a new Drupal 8 website and was surprised by a spam amount we got via website's contact form (built with Webform module).  As the website was new, I was manually blocking each spammers IP, but the amount got larger and larger, to avoid that, I decided to install Captcha module, just like in the case with Drupal 7, see: Adding CAPTCHA to Drupal 7 Webform A CAPTCHA is a challenge-response test most often placed within web forms to determine whether the user is human. The…

How To Create a Custom Drupal 8 Theme based on Bootstrap


When building a new Drupal website I prefer working with a Bootstrap theme and apply a subtheme  Just like in the case with Drupal 7, theming a subtheme based on Bootstrap is super simple - in a few words - download and enable a Drupal 8 bootstrap theme, then in the Drupal themes folder create a new theme folder and make a custom info.yml file here is a live example from OptionsBrew.com theme in the themes folder, create a new folder -> optionbrew in the optionbrew folder create a new…

How to Install Drupal with Nginx, PHP-FPM 7.4, MySQL, phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 20.04 - Linode Guide


In this article, you will learn how to setup webserver for serving  Drupal  websites running with Nginx, PHP-FPM 7.4, MySQL and phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 20.04 For the following tutorial, I used very much the information from my previous guide with Ubuntu 18.04, but I decided to rewrite it for Ubuntu 20.04 version as it is shipped with php7.4 version and will work for Drupal 7, Drupal 8 and most probably for Drupal 9 Prerequisites Ubuntu 20.04  Root privileges. You can get a cheap VPS starting…

How To Block IP Address in Drupal 8


Unlike in Drupal 7 version where IP banning is enabled by default, with Drupal 8 version, there is one more step added - IP banning must be enabled from the extend section. Here is how. (source) Log into your Drupal 8 admin interface. From the top menu bar, click on the menu tab and then the Extend tab from the second menu bar. You are now on the modules list page. The Ban module is listed under the Core category. To enable it, simply click on the checkbox to the left of the module. Once…

How To HTTPS Secure Drupal 8 Running Nginx with Let's Encrypt on Ubuntu 18.04


Let's Encrypt have done some very good job, providing SSL certificates that everyone can use absolutely for free. Encrypted HTTPS websites should be default in 2020. I have been implementing HTTPS secure websites for years. Until now I mostly worked with Drupal 7 websites and for securing them I have been using this guide, back from 2016 - Linode: How To Secure Nginx with Let's Encrypt on Ubuntu 12.04 Now, in 2020, working on a new, Drupal 8 powered, website after then initial web development…

How to Install Drupal 8 with Nginx, PHP-FPM 7.2, MySQL, phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 18.04 - Linode Guide


In this article, you will learn how to setup Drupal 8 with Nginx, PHP-FPM 7.2, MySQL and phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 18.04 For the following tutorial, I used very much the information from my previous guide with Ubuntu 16.04, but decided to rewrite it for Ubuntu 18.04 version as when I tried to setup my latest project about stock trading 0dtespxtrading.com  with Drupal 8.8.5  on Ubunut 16.04 machine an error from Drupal that PHP version shipped with Ubuntu 16.04   was outdated and instead of…

How To Upgrade Drupal 7 to 8 (With Multilingual Support)


Here comes another article, which has been in the blog's draft section since the start of 2017. In this article, I will share my notes on performing a major Drupal upgrade from 7 to 8 with multilingual support. As a Drupal developer, I've been pretty conservative and don't rush for upgrades just because of upgrades, but here I was working with a website which was almost 8 years old (built from scratch on Drupal 7 in 2011) What I don't like when upgrading from Drupal 7 to 8, is that the…

Building Drupal 8 Website From Scratch - Part 2 (Content Types, Custom Fields, Manage Display)


In the second part of the series Building Drupal 8 Website from the scratch I will cover details on working with content types and node displays. Make sure to check out part 1, before proceeding. When comparing Drupal 7 to Drupal 8, there is little difference regarding managing content types, except most of the cool features we have been used to have in Drupal 7 by using additional modules and fields, are already built in Drupal 8 core. Which is amazing. In Drupal 8, fields, like taxonomy…

Building Drupal 8 Website From Scratch - Part 1 (Domain name, Hosting)


It has been a while since Drupal 8 has been around. It took me some time before I actually started to develop Drupal 8 websites, sticking with more convenient Drupal 7 (Which I believe still is one of the best versions of Drupal out there.  If you are familiar with Wordpress CMS, Drupal 8 will feel you comfortable, as the look and feels is pretty similar (This is the thing I don't like about Drupal 8). Anyhow, as I have been developing both Drupal 7and Drupal 8 websites, there is actually no…