
Home Remodeling - Season 3 (2017)


We had some great plans for this Summer's home remodeling works, unfortunately, we faced some obstacles, and decided to stop any further home remodeling works for this year. Despite being pretty upset about our situation, we still enjoyed a great Summer at our rural country property. Here I'm adding pictures, how it all looked in April 2017,…

Home Remodeling - End Of The Season 2


Wow, that was a ride. In this post I will write down all major tasks we performed during Summer 2016, which was second year since we started to manage and repair our rural property. Learn more how it all started: Home Remodeling - How It All Starts Each year, at the start at April we arrive to our house and put a lot work and investment to make…

Rock Garden Extended


It was at the start of the September (2016) - we were finishing wall replacement works and already had installed first bearing beams, there were still some things left on home remodeling works, but all the major tasks were done, and everything was done to preserve house for the winter (as we will be absent) It was good day to spend some hours in…

The Big Spring Territory Cleanup


Few days ago I announced start for Season 2 of our home remodeling adventures. We have some really big plans to achieve this year - like getting a water supply and constructing from scratch few walls. Also a bathroom is planned to be finished until end of this Summer. But our home renovation tasks starts with outdoor territory. More precise with…

Home Remodeling - Season 2 starts now


Loyal readers of this blog are already familiar with the home renovation and remodeling process which we started a year ago, if not, make sure you check out article - How it all starts. On April 14, 2016 we made a long and tired journey with our cats to get where we left this process at the end of Summer 2015. I was really glad that I had spent…