Latest Addition to Stock Portfolio: 1 MO share at $44.21


On August 9, 2023, I bought an additional 1 share of Altria Group, Inc stock (NYSE:MO) , paying $44.21 per share for our long-term dividend stock portfolio Altria Group, Inc. is an American corporation and one of the world's largest producers and marketers of tobacco, cigarettes, and related products. It operates worldwide and is headquartered in Henrico County, Virginia, just outside the city of Richmond We are now holding 3 shares of MO in our stock portfolio. That represents about 2.02% of…

Newest additions to Stock Portfolio: 1 MO at $44.22, 1 BTI at $32.75 and 30 TLRY at $1.64


On June 15, 2023, I bought 1 share of British American Tobacco (NYSE: BTI) paying $32.75, 1 share of Altria Group (NYSE:MO) stock, paying $44.22, and 30 shares of Tilray (NASDAQ: TLRY) paying $1.64 per share for our Dividend Stock Portfolio We are now holding 1 share of BTI, 1 share of MO, and 130 shares of TLRY in our stock portfolio Using dollar-cost averaging our average cost per share: BTI: $32.75 MO: $44.22 TLRY: $3.87 Both MO and BTI will contribute about $5.5 in dividend income per…