North Korea

'The Kim dynasty in North Korea' DW Documentary


Lately, DW has been one of my favorite sources for documentaries, 'The Kim dynasty in North Korea' is a great short documentary for those trying to educate on North Korea topic. Kim Jong-Un and Donald Trump did hold a second summit meeting in late February in Vietnam. At their June 2018 summit, they agreed to work toward denuclearization of the…

An Inconvenient Border: Where China Meets North Korea


An Inconvenient Border: Where China Meets North Korea is a great documentary by ABC news I would highly recommend to all interested in North Korea / China. Both North Korea and China has been on my radar for the last decade at least.  Bob Woodruff’s daring 880-mile journey along the China-North Korea border examines the delicate relationship…

North Korea - Crossing the line


The film is about a former U.S. Army soldier, James J. Dresnok, who defected to North Korea on August 15, 1962. The film was directed and produced by British filmmakers Daniel Gordon and Nicholas Bonner, and was shown at the 2007 Sundance Film Festival. The film, which was narrated by actor Christian Slater, was nominated for the Grand Jury Prize…

Educating North Korea (2014) - Unlocking the Secrets of Elite University: A Panorama Documentary


The documentary "Educating North Korea" from British BBC Panorama sheds light on one of the world's most closed and oppressive societies. North Korea is ruled by the young and ruthless leader Kim Jong-un, who has threatened nuclear war against the United States and recently executed his own uncle. In the heart of this absolute dictatorship, there…