Riga Restaurants

Cabo Cafe


Cabo cafe is a cafe with a unique charm, located in Mežaparks, on the very shore of lake Ķīšezers. Cabo cafe serves burgers, french fries, and delicious shashlik. First discovered by a recommendation from a friend. Now visited pretty regular once in Riga. Grilled meat at Cabo cafe Cabo cafe neat Ķīšezers in Riga

Širhans - Azerbaijani cuisine in Riga, Latvia


Širhans (Shirhan) is a lovely restaurant serving Azerbaijani cuisine located in the suburbs of Sarkandaugava in Riga, Latvia (Meža Prospekts 90). I visited this place just shortly after a visit to Riga Zoo. If you just like me enjoy Caucasian style cuisine you will enjoy this place. Although I must admit I'm very found of Georgian cuisine (Read…