
Auto post to Facebook page using Twitter


<p>I agree social media makes a huge impact on blogs traffic and its conversation rates.</p><p>In this tutorial I will show how you can auto publish your posts to your Facebook page using Twitter and Twitterfeed.</p><p>At First we will setup auto publish to Twitter, using Twitterfeed, you can find <a href="">tutor… here</a>.</p><p>Once all of our posts are synced with…

Auto blog to Twitter using Twitterfeed


You are managing your blog, not some social media agency, right? Although you have created your profile in different social media, like Twitter, Facebook or Google+? As time goes, you are notifying your social accounts seems dead, what to do in such situation? Time is money, and you know that perfectly Automate your posts by using some tools. There are many options how to syndicate your content over different social media sites, this time I'll explain how to auto re-post your blog posts to…