Drupal Development

<p>Looking for an experienced Drupal developer for your next web project or mobile app? Look no further than Reinis Fischer! With over 10 years of experience serving small and medium businesses in Tbilisi and Riga, Reinis is your go-to expert for all things Drupal. <a href="https://www.reinisfischer.com/about">Contact him today</a> to learn more or check out his latest Drupal-related blog posts below.</p>

Expert Drupal Development Services in Tbilisi, Georgia


Drupal is a popular open-source content management system that has been widely adopted by web agencies for the creation and management of websites for their clients. In Tbilisi, Georgia, there are several web agencies specializing in Drupal development, providing a range of services to businesses and organizations looking to establish a presence on the web. One of the leading specialists in the field is Reinis Fischer, with over 10 years of experience working with small and medium-sized…

Drupal 9 SEO: Tips and Best Practices


Drupal 9 is the latest version of the popular content management system (CMS), which is known for its flexibility and power. As a website owner, you want your site to be as visible as possible on search engines like Google. Drupal 9 provides a range of features to help you optimize your site for search engines, from built-in SEO tools to third-party modules. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the best practices for Drupal 9 SEO. Use Clean URLs Clean URLs are important for…

How to Use Drupal Web Widgets Module to Embed Custom Content on External Websites


Drupal is a popular and powerful open-source content management system (CMS) that provides a wide range of tools and features to create and manage content on websites. One of the most useful tools in Drupal is the Widgets module, which allows users to create and embed custom content on their websites and other external sites. In this article, we will explore how to use the Drupal Widgets module to embed content on other websites. The Drupal Web Widgets module enables site administrators to…

Displaying Node Counts in Drupal: How to Show the Number of Nodes Referencing Each Item


In Drupal, it is common to use the Node Reference field to create relationships between different content types. This field allows you to reference a node from another content type and create a link between the two. However, displaying the number of nodes referencing each item in a node reference field can be challenging. In this article, we'll explore a few ways to display the node count per node reference field in Drupal. Option 1: Using Views The most common way to display the node…

Custom Drupal Search Built with Search API + Database Search + Views


The default Drupal search function is pretty much OK, but if you are looking for ways to control and extend search behavior  - you are stuck with the default out-of-the-box search.  I'll show you how you can boost your search functionality, by using just two (OK, three modules) Download the following modules: Search API module Search API DB Download and extract them into the sites/all/modules folder Enable Database search,  Search API, and Search views Now we must add a search server…

A Simple Workaround to Display AdSense Ads in Drupal Views


Google AdSense is a popular platform for publishers to monetize their websites by displaying ads to their visitors. If you have a Drupal website and want to display Google AdSense ads in your views, there is a simple workaround that can help you achieve this goal. In this article, we'll guide you through the steps to display Google AdSense ads in your Drupal views.  Step 1: Install and configure the AdSense module The first step in displaying Google AdSense ads in your Drupal views is to…

Get Insights into Your Site Visitors' Engagement with the Click Heat Map for Drupal


Have you ever wondered where your website visitors are clicking on your pages? Knowing this information can help you make important design decisions, such as where to place ads for maximum impact. That's where the Click Heat Map for Drupal comes in! To get started, you'll need to download both the ClickHeat module and library. Simply extract the module to the sites/all/modules directory and the library to the sites/all/libraries directory. Next, follow the simple installation instructions…

How to Add a Facebook Share Button to Drupal Views


Adding a Facebook share button to your Drupal website can help improve your website's user experience. By making it easier for visitors to share your content, you can encourage more engagement and interaction with your website, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and better overall website performance. A time ago, I created a tutorial showing how you can add a Facebook-like button to your Drupal-powered site. That tutorial was pretty easy because we used a module. Today I'm willing to…

How to automatically add watermarks to uploaded images in Drupal


Drupal is a powerful content management system (CMS) that allows users to create and manage websites with ease. One of the features that make Drupal popular among users is its flexibility and extensibility. Drupal's module system allows users to add functionalities to their websites, including automatic watermarking of uploaded images. If you are making photos and publicizing them to the internet - sooner or later you will find that you want to protect them somehow. Protect yourself from…

How to configure postmarkapp to work with Drupal webform


If you are running your site under Apache then most probably your server will be auto configured with mail send module. But if you are running, lets say Ngnix without mail send function enabled, then you might consider some options to send e-mails from your site. And one of this options is to use Postmarkapp.com service. Today I'll show how to configure your Drupal powered site to deliver e-mails using postmarkapp and few handy modules. At first - go to the postmarkapp.com and sign up for a…