Let's Keep Demolishing Walls, Construct Foundation From Ceramsite Blocks And Pour In Some Concrete

Yeah, let's do that - another day on steroids from my home remodeling adventures during late Summer 2016 (August)

Frankly speaking, by now, browsing through the images from last Summer works I'm getting a little bit dizzy - it looks way too dramatic.

On the other hand, we already had experience and knowledge about demolishing walls, see: Remove a Wall to Finish Foundation Concreting, also constructing missing foundation from fibo blocks, not to speak about pouring concrete footing

Today I had two guys helping me out Uldis and Guntars. We did a lot today.

Demolishing log wall

Demolishing log wall

Just look how enthusiastic this guy seems.

Now the bad thing, at this part of house we were missing foundation completely,so it was tricky to demolish walls without having some ground support, but we still had to pour in concrete footing, on which later to add fibo ceramsite blocks. We did a footing thing a few days ago for the part were log wall is hanging in the air. See: Fall Through The Ceiling, Dig a Trench Around Foundations, Stone Wall Concreting. 

Idea for today's works were simple, we will demolish a wall, but before that we will add supporting beam to store roof in place. Unfortunately the old flooring (if we can call it so) started to crack and we had a few minor landslides, making our further works a little bit complicated, as we had to avoid any landslides while pouring in concrete for foundation.. 

Constructing foundation from fibo blocks

Constructing foundation from fibo blocks

As you can see, foundation footing is already there, all is leveled and we will construct foundation just for this part today. While for the other part, we still need to pour in footing.

In the background, guys are finishing mortar thing ot the other wall we completed few days ago. See: The Last Row of Aerated Concrete Blocks Masonry 

Overall scene

Overall scene

Did I had a good sleep tonight? Definitely no - I was too worried about that one supporting beam and its ability to hold roof on place. It turned out better than I thought, and soon we will actually start constructing walls from aac blocks here as well. Doesn't it look just amazing?