The morning started with the kiddo having a little fever (temperature 37 C). Decided to leave her at home and observe, as this Friday we have our first school concert. It would be very sad to miss. Sent a message to Ms. Nino.
Yesterday - the car just stopped working, or won't crank. Already for the third time, this year ordered to service the car. As the car was parked in Vake I went to the office in the morning to meet the service guy in the afternoon. Traded a bit of bitcoin futures. Packed out robot cleaner for cleaning our apt.
Met with the guy, he said, the problem is with the starter, had to order evacuator. I left the spot and come home.

We received a letter from the school that there have been positive covid cases among teachers and pupils, we ordered PCR test to see, does the kiddo has got Covid or not. We already had at the start of February after returning from Bakuriani.
Caru. ge informed that the problem is with fuel pumps (VW Touareg has 2 of them) the total cost for replacement and work GEL 1,400. Sh*t
Our language courses for ex-pats in Georgia are gaining momentum, got another applicant. Awesome.
PCR test result - negative. Hopefully we will be good for Friday's concert!