Baltic Horizon Fund
Sold all Bitcoin, Seb Mutual funds, Baltic Horzion and DelfinGroup Stock
| 11 viewsYesterday, on October 25, 2021, I sold all of the Bitcoin holdings I had with Coinbase PRO. Additionally, I sold off all my investments with SEB mutual funds and stocks at Nasdaq Baltic: Baltic…
Investing in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania with Baltic Horizon Fund REIT
| 62 viewsBaltic Horizon Fund is a regulated closed-end contractual investment fund registered in Estonia. The fund is traded on Tallinn (Nasdaq Baltics) and Stockholm stock exchanges.This fund operates under…
May 2018 Dividend Income Report - $140.35
| 11 viewsDisclosure: This article contains affiliate links to peer to peer lending website, by clicking on links on this page and by making an investment on, I might earn affiliate…
February 2018 Dividend Income Report - $62.89
| 10 viewsTime flies and so did last February disappeared like a flicker. Now it's time to look back and see how did it go for me in terms of dividend income.February marks already the tenth (#10) dividend…
Why I'm Investing in Baltic Horizon Fund (NHCBHFFT)
| 8 viewsBaltic Horizon Fund has been on my radar since the August 2017. Actually first spotted in March 2017, while doing a quick research on Top Dividend Paying stocks in the Baltics. Despite being listed…