Baltic Horizon Fund

Sold all Bitcoin, Seb Mutual funds, Baltic Horzion and DelfinGroup Stock


Yesterday, on October 25, 2021, I sold all of the Bitcoin holdings I had with Coinbase PRO. Additionally, I sold off all my investments with SEB mutual funds and stocks at Nasdaq Baltic: Baltic Horizon, and DelfinGroup. I did this because I have started another interesting 52-week challenge - buying Apple stock for the next 52 weeks and I want to…

Investing in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania with Baltic Horizon Fund REIT


Baltic Horizon Fund is a regulated closed-end contractual investment fund registered in Estonia. The fund is traded on Tallinn (Nasdaq Baltics)  and Stockholm stock exchanges.This fund operates under the REIT concept where the vast majority of Fund’s cash earnings are paid and only 20% can be reinvested.On May 12, I bought some humble 100 shares…

May 2018 Dividend Income Report - $140.35


Disclosure:  This article contains affiliate links to peer to peer lending website, by clicking on links on this page and by making an investment on, I might earn affiliate income at no cost to you. Also, I'm not a financial advisor and I don't give you any advice, I'm just sharing my own experience. Investments in stocks,…

February 2018 Dividend Income Report - $62.89


Time flies and so did last February disappeared like a flicker. Now it's time to look back and see how did it go for me in terms of dividend income.February marks already the tenth (#10) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend-paying stocks, peer to peer lending (both fiat and cryptocurrencies)Surprisingly, but February…

Why I'm Investing in Baltic Horizon Fund (NHCBHFFT)


Baltic Horizon Fund has been on my radar since the August 2017. Actually first spotted in March 2017, while doing a quick research on Top Dividend Paying stocks in the Baltics. Despite being listed on Nasdaq Tallinn (aka Nasdaq Baltics) I was not able to purchase fund units from my existing brokerage account. After I sent a short message both to…