
Documentary "Inside Mao's China"


A very interesting film by Martin Gronemeyer, telling a story about foreign expats in China during the cultural revolution. The film tells a unique personal story combined with rare historical footage give a new perspective on Mao’s utopia.  At the height of Maoism, China was as closed off as present-day North Korea. Then as China eased out of…

Proposed New High Speed Rail Line - Moscow - Beijing could cost ~$ 230 bln


<p>While <a href="">… are building it's super expensive project Khazar Islands</a> with estimate costs of ~ $100 bln, Russians together with Chinese are looking to build a high speed rail connecting Moscow to Beijing in 33 hours with estimate cost…

Top 10 Largest Countries by GDP 2013


Last year I started to pay more attention to the TOP 10 largest economies in the World by terms of Gross Domestic Product. It's time to compare them again. Top 20 Largest Economies In The World by GDP Nominal (2019) Gross Domestic Product in TOP 10 Largest Economies 2013 Rank Country 2012 2013 Growth bln $ Growth % 1…

African Union GDP Per Capita 2013


The African Union (AU) is a continental union consisting of 55 member states located on the continent of Africa.  The AU's future goals include a customs union, a single market, a central bank, and a common currency, thereby establishing an economic and monetary union. The African Union has been created a while ago actually in 2001. The African…

BRICS: An Overview of the Five Developing Economies (2013)


The BRICS countries, which include Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, are a group of developing economies that are expected to have a significant impact on the world economy in the coming years. This acronym was created in 2010 to represent the economies of these five countries, which have a combined population of over three trillion…

EU Member States' GDP: A Closer Look at Europe's Economic Strength and Diversity (2014)


The European Union (EU) is a massive economic force, with a combined GDP that would make it the world's largest economy if it were viewed as a single entity. However, it is important to remember that the EU is made up of 27 independent member states (as of 20213) each have its own unique economic challenges and strengths. In this article, we…

Behind China's Economic Boom: How China Fooled the World (2014) Documentary Reveals the Secrets


"How China Fooled the World" is a documentary film produced by Martin Durkin and broadcasted on Channel 4 in the UK in 2014. The film explores the impact of China's rapid economic growth on the global economy and argues that China's success story is not what it seems. The documentary opens by highlighting the impressive growth rates of the…

10 largest countries by military expenditures 2012


In a world shaped by geopolitical dynamics, military spending plays a pivotal role in defining a nation's strategic capabilities. Let's delve into the realm of defense budgets and unveil the top 10 countries that invest significantly in their military apparatus.1. The World's Top 10 Richest Countries by Military Expenditures:United States: $682.…

China's Belt and Road Initiative: How Georgia Fits In


China's investment in Georgia has been a topic of increasing interest in recent years. Georgia, strategically located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, has become a key player in China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and an important partner for China's economic and political ambitions in the region. China has invested heavily in Georgia's…