My online income report - June 2014


<p>Last month was great in terms of my online earnings. I managed to <strong>earn $16.49</strong> from Google Adsense alone. It's <strong>174% increase</strong> compared to my <a href="http://www.reinisfischer.com/my-online-income-report-may-2014">earnings from Google Adsense in previous month.</a></p><p>My earnings in June is not only highest this year, but it's also a personal record for my Google Adsense account…

Change of Adsense placement for higher CTR - Experiment 2


I have been serving Google AdSense on my blog for a while. My traffic is pretty modest and so do is my earnings from Google AdSense. I have CTR about 0.7% on this blog, and I want to improve that, by getting at least 1% CTR. Some time ago I made the first experiment with changing layouts for serving ads. That didn't work as expected, and I'm changing again. Meet the new layout: For now, I am serving maximum allowed Google AdSense ad units on my site - 3. I have placed first under Title,…