Invest in These 5 Stocks From The Dow Jones list With Covered Calls and Collect Dividend


One of my preferred investing strategies is investing in stocks from The Dogs of The Dow List.  Currently (2021), these are the Small Dogs of The Dow stocks: DOW, VZ, WBA, CSCO, and KO. In 2021 PFE was replaced by VZ in the Small Dogs list.  In today's article, I will take a quick glimpse at a potential return from investing in these five stocks…

3 Trades to Generate $200/mo Selling Naked Puts on Dividend Stocks


Selling naked puts on dividend stocks is one of my favorite income-generating strategies. I've been selling options since the end of March 2019, and as a seasoned dividend income investor, I find options as one of the best inventions of our time.  3 Trades to Generate $165 - $350/mo Selling Cash-Secured Put Options Income from options regularly…