Simple CSS trick to Make Table Responsive


Working on the OptionsBrew.com project (website is powered by Drupal 8) I faced the following responsive table issue while browsing content with a table on smaller screens (phone) Broken Table on a smaller screen Luckily there is a simple CSS workaround: in the .css file add the following to table properties: display: block; overflow-…

How to align Facebook like, Google + and Twitter buttons?


Working on a project I faced a problem how to align social share buttons. By default I'm not paying much attention to this, but there are circumstances you must provide clean work. So here is the example: These are social share buttons from my blog, as you can see, Facebook button is not in one line with other lines. To fix this, I did a quick…

Image hover effects - how to change background on mouse over


Today I faced again some interesting thing to create - on hover image to change the background and display text over it Here is how it looks: On the left side, you can see the default image, while on the right side with mouse over. To achieve such behavior in Drupal is pretty simple, a little bit CSS and you are done. Here is my view with div…

Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 8 - Theming subtheme CSS


<p>In part 2 of series how to build a Drupal site from scratch, I'm talking about how to create a subtheme from Bootstrap theme.</p><p>Today I would like to speak how to actually theme it, because just enabled it comes empty,with all files served from Bootstrap mater theme.</p><p>By default Bootstrap theme is set…

Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 7 - Theming views


<p>In <a href="http://reinisfischer.com/building-drupal-site-scratch-part-5-custom-fro… 4</a> in tutorial series how to build a Drupal site from scratch, I am showing how to build views. Now let's upgrade them, by adding additional fields and even CSS style.</p><p>Yes, we will add CSS style directly into our…