Doing business in Georgia

Invest in Batumi Real Estate with a business partner - Joint Ownership


Back in Spring 2022, I come up with an idea - launching a crypto token for investing in Batumi real estate. The original idea was to issue about 100 tokens over Ethereum smart chain, collect the funds, buy the property, sell it for a profit, and buy back tokens at an increased price.  I still like this idea, and I'm still looking to go forward…

How To Start a Restaurant in Tbilisi, Georgia - Food Safety and Permissions


With this post, I'm starting a new series on the Doing Business in Georgia topic - opening and operating a profitable restaurant in Georgia. Turns out - I'm not only enjoying eating at Tbilisi restaurants but now I'm also looking to open one. Well, my case might be a bit different as I'm more looking to open an online restaurant, the ghost…

Buying a Vineyard in Georgia


The other day a blog reader asked me about purchasing a vineyard in the Republic of Georgia. I do feel flattered being honored as an expert in such topics, but in fact, I'm not. Sure I have visited a couple of wineries in Georgia (Château Mukhrani Winery, Wine Tunnel Near Kvareli in Georgia (Winery Khareba)), have tasted most of the Georgian wine…

About Setting Up Virtual Trade Zone in Georgia (And Free Industrial Zones)


A couple of years ago (in 2012) I met an American entrepreneur John Keogh here in Georgia. Back in these days, office coworking spaces were kind of popular and just obliviously popped up also in Georgia. John had a business in Tbilisi, and in his blog ( he published some cool stuff about his vision of possible coop both for local…