
New Year's Eve Fireworks 2020 Tbilisi


As every year I contribute to fireworks photography, 2020 was no exception, from our Tbilisi apartments balcony I made dozens of long exposure night photography. A sturdy tripod, ISO 400-3200, f stop 3,5 up to f11 and exposure from 4 sec up to 10 seconds. The magical beauty of night photography. Tbilisi fireworks 2020 With SPX still trading I…

2019 Old New Year's Firework From Tbilisi


Here at Piece of Life and we just love fireworks photography. It's one of the photo techniques I wanted to master first when learned secrets of successful photography. My first experience with fireworks photography was a couple of years ago when I had a chance to visit St. Marks square in Venice during New Year's night. The…

Happy New Year! Fireworks Photography from Tbilisi 2018


We wish you a very great and prosperous 2018! Here at Piece of Life photo series we canceled our planned trip to Sri Lanka and stayed in Tbilisi to capture following firework photography from Tamar Mephe bridge (ahh we have made dozens of great photos from this place). Just before the midnight left our apartment with a tripod and few spare…

Old New Year's fireworks in Tbilisi


While there is a good reason to visit St Mark's square in Venice, Italy (that's exactly we did this New Year) - the chances to photograph New Year's fireworks turned much brighter from our Tbilisi's apartments balcony. Shortly before clock turned twelve on night between January 13 to January 14, we made a moka coffee, I installed a tripod and…