Google Chrome

How to enable Do Not track Chrome


<p><strong>Do no Track</strong> gives you some level of anonymity while browsing internet. In this article I will explain why I'm enabling Do not track.</p><p>The reason I'm enabling Do not Track is no because I'm afraid or scare someone is using my browsing history in his evil marketing or surveillance plans. The reason I'm enabling is because lately I'have seen to huge page views for my websites. And I believe it's caused by me. I…

Browser wars - Google Chome 55%, IE 3%


Remember the Mosaic, early days of Netscape browser? I actually don't, but have heard of them a lot. For many years my default choice has been Google Chrome browser - I even sometimes was so lazy, that didn't the cross-browser testing for smaller web projects I'm working with - who needs cross-browser testing - everyone uses Chrome, right? Right! Browser Wars / Screen Resolutions 2019 I will not dig deeper in the overall use of browsers - searching the internet - you may find various data,…