How To Remove HTML Elements From Drupal 7 Feed
| 3 viewsIn this article you will learn how to style RSS feed in Drupal 7 (not sure, but most bellow written should apply to Drupal 8 as well) I'm using RSS feeds to power up e-mail newsletters, see How To…
How To Sync Drupal RSS Feed to Mailchimp
| 9 viewsRSS is not dead, it's more than alive - nowadays it's used to sync content across services and devices. After finishing installing push notifications for my blog I decided to re-check my e-mail…
December 2015 Blog Traffic And Income Report 43,941 Users / $ 1,524.09
| 16 viewsWelcome to the #24 traffic and income report covering blog traffic and earnings/expenses for December 2015. #24 means just one - It marks two year anniversary since I started to share with public my…
How to add MailChimp Signup Form for Drupal
| 7 viewsAfter being blogging for more than two years already and finally reached about 40,000 monthly unique visitors to my blog I decided it's time to set up an email newsletter. I knew there are some…