
Stratfor: How Currency Woes Undermine Georgia, Moldova


Governments across the former Soviet Union have felt the impact of currency devaluations, but currency depreciations and related economic problems in Georgia and Moldova are exposing their governments to major political pitfalls this year, including even potential government collapse. Both countries have been pursuing greater integration with the…

Georgia Expects Visa Free Travel to EU by End of 2015


Georgian citizens might have Visa Free Travel with European Union (Schengen area) by end of 2015 or at start of 2016 - told Georgian Minister of Foreign Affairs - Maia Panjikidze on live translations on Imedi TV station, Wednesday, August 20, according to NewsGeorgia  I have a assumption based on realistic data that by the end of 2015 -…

Inequality of Minimum Wages in Former Soviet Union: An Updated Look in 2014


It has been six months since I last analyzed the minimum wages in the former Soviet Union. Although it is not a major factor in economic growth, the minimum wage is still a relevant indicator in understanding a country's economic status. In my previous research in 2013, I found that Estonia had the highest minimum wage of $427, while Kyrgyzstan…

Georgia and the EU: Deepening Ties through Association Agreement (2014)


Georgia, a small country located in the Caucasus region, has recently signed an Association Agreement with the European Union (EU). The agreement, which was signed on June 27, 2014, aims to deepen the political and economic ties between Georgia and the EU, and to provide a framework for future cooperation in a variety of areas. The Association…

Romania: An Overview of its Economy and EU Membership (2014)


Yesterday I took a brief overview of Moldova, and today I'm eager to dive into the neighboring country of Romania. Romania is a full-fledged member of the European Union since 2007, together with Bulgaria, and is considered one of the poorest countries in the EU in terms of wealth. With a population of 21.33 million people and a GDP of 169.4…

Discovering the Rich History and Growing Economy of Moldova


Moldova is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe, situated between Romania and Ukraine. Despite its small size and relatively low profile on the world stage, Moldova has a rich and complex history, a diverse culture, and a growing economy. One of the key features of Moldova's history is its position at the crossroads of different empires and…

How Moldova's Visa-Free Regime is Driving Economic Growth and Integration with the EU


Moldova is a small, landlocked country located in Eastern Europe. Despite its size, Moldova has a rich history and culture and is home to a diverse population of over 3 million people. In recent years, Moldova has made significant strides towards greater integration with the European Union (EU), including the introduction of a visa-free regime for…

Inside Transnistria: Unrecognized State Between Moldova and Ukraine


Transnistria is a breakaway region located in Eastern Europe, sandwiched between Moldova and Ukraine. The region has been unrecognized by the international community since it declared independence in 1990, following the fall of the Soviet Union. Transnistria has a complex history and cultural identity, with a significant population of ethnic…

The Vilnius Summit 2013 and Its Aftermath: How the Association Agreement Impacted Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova's European Integration


On November 28-29th, 2013, the Eastern Partnership summit took place in Vilnius, where Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova signed an Association agreement with the European Union (EU). This agreement aimed to strengthen political and economic ties with the EU, including free trade and visa-free travel. The signing of the agreement was seen as a…

Minimum Wages in the Former Soviet Union: A Look at 2013


The former Soviet Union was a vast region that encompassed a number of countries with distinct cultures, economies, and political systems. In 2013, the region was still recovering from the economic and political upheavals of the previous decades, and minimum wages varied widely across the countries that made up the former Soviet Union. Previously…