Invest in The Small Dogs of The Dow with Covered Calls and Collect Dividend


The Small Dogs of the Dow, are the five lowest-priced Dogs of the Dow stocks. Currently (2020), these are the Small Dogs of The Dow stocks: DOW, PFE, WBA, CSCO and KO In today's article, I will take a quick glimpse at a potential return from investing in these five stocks with options (covered calls) + collecting the dividend during the road.…

3 Trades to Generate $200/mo Selling Naked Puts on Dividend Stocks


Selling naked puts on dividend stocks is one of my favorite income-generating strategies. I've been selling options since the end of March 2019, and as a seasoned dividend income investor, I find options as one of the best inventions of our time.  3 Trades to Generate $165 - $350/mo Selling Cash-Secured Put Options Income from options regularly…