How To Find Best Stocks to Write Covered Calls / Example with T, O & PBCT


In this short video, I'm answering a blog reader's question - how to find the best stocks to write covered calls on.  Transcript Hello everyone my name is Reinis Fischer and you are watching my YouTube channel, where I'm talking about stock investing, options trading, and finance in general. Today I have some great news I have got one new subscriber to my YouTube channel -  Carlos T if you're watching big high five to you!  Thanks for subscribing! I hope you enjoy the content! Alright, so…

May 2020 Dividend Income Report - $225.17


Welcome to the thirty-seventh (#37) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend-paying stocks and peer to peer lending in May 2020. Just like the previous month of April, in May we also spent in a self-isolation (because of Covid-19) here in Georgia. Some of the strict lockdown measurements were lifted (like using a private vehicle and going from city to city)  we did a few road trips here in Georgia.  Baby girl is doing her online class, learning about animals, shapes, …

3 Trades to Generate $250/mo Selling Covered calls on Dividend Stocks


Selling covered calls I probably love even more than selling naked puts, unfortunately, there are not many good stocks in my portfolio I could sell covered calls to generate decent monthly income yet, but I have a few candidates. In today's article, I'm going to speak about selling covered calls on AT&T, Pfizer, and Cisco systems. Subscribe to the covered calls newsletter (free & paid) Before we get started, here is a brief summary of what is a covered call A covered call refers to…

3 Trades to Generate $200/mo Selling Naked Puts on Dividend Stocks


Selling naked puts on dividend stocks is one of my favorite income-generating strategies. I've been selling options since the end of March 2019, and as a seasoned dividend income investor, I find options as one of the best inventions of our time.  3 Trades to Generate $165 - $350/mo Selling Cash-Secured Put Options Income from options regularly puts food on our family table (or at least buys some candies). To follow up on my trades in almost real-time - subscribe to my newsletter at Covered…