Actual Price Index at Tbilisi Market - October 2018

| Living in Georgia | 4 seen

Three years ago I launched a fun project - Actual Price Index at Tbilisi market, just to document price movements for veggies and fruits in the market, depending on the season. In total I have made two kinds of research for 2015 and 2016, see: Actual Price Index in Tbilisi Market (Georgia) - At Start of October 2015 and Actual Price Index at Tbilisi Market - March 2016

Now, today, three years later I once again decided to measure, how prices have changed in the past three years.

Here is my basket of goods I bought in Tbilisi market on October 1, 2018

Veggies from Tbilisi market

Veggies from Tbilisi market

  2018 2015
1 kg potatoes 1 0.7
1 bunch of spring onions 1 0.6
1 bunch of parsley 1 1
1 bunch of dills 1 1
1 bunch of radishes 2 1*
1 kg red pepper 2.5 5*
1 kg onions 2 1.3
1 kg washed carrots 2 2
1 watermelon (~6kg) 2,2 5
Churchkhela 1.5-2 -
Walnuts 1kg 22 -

*Prices are from 2016

As you can see there has been some inflation over the years, but also there is some deflation for products like red pepper and watermelon.