How to create URL channels in Google Adsense

I have been using Google Adsense for almost 5 years already, first 4 and a half years I didn't paid much attention for it. I mean I was not paying attention for better implementation, CTR, CPC and other things. I just put Adsense code to my webpages, did some small blending stuff and was sitting back and waited when cash will flow in. It didn't!

And then I started my blog - I can tell just one - after I started my own blog, I started to pay attention for more details. In short time I raised my CTR from 0.5% to 1.5-2%, I started to target more paying keywords, and I increased (a little) my CPC rate. Although my highest earnings from Google Adsense in one month haven't reached more than $16 - I'm happy with results - because those results happened just last month.

By learning more techniques, serving more content, I have been able to raise my earning from Google Adsense.

Since I have more web properties than just my blog, where I'm serving Google Adsense, I wanted to have better overview  how each website performs on it own. One option is inside Google Adsense to filter sites and see your overview, but that's a little time consuming.

I have installed on my Chrome browser Google Publisher Toolbar, what gives me quick overview, what is my earnings for Today, Yesterday, This month so far and Last Month. What is perfectly fine - if you have one website to observe. If you have more than one website, you might wonder to get more information. Luckly, the same Google Publisher Toolbar gives us a URL channel overview as well. 

In order to get data for URL channels we need to add URL channels in Google Adsense

How to add URL channels in Google Adsense

Log in to your Google Adsense account, Click on My ads tabs from upper menu, then click on URL Channels from left sidebar menu (Content section), click on New URL Channel and add your URL. You can add up to 500 URL's. 

Google Adsense might ask you to verify your URL(s) after you will submit them. If you have Google Analytics installed and that account is linked with Google Adsense, there shouldn't be problems to verify your URL in Google Adsense. If there is - please follow on screen instructions.

The result?

Now we have a quick Google Publisher Toolbar overview, with filtered URL, and we are a little bit more smarter what's actually going on on our sites. Which site generates more, and which less.

Hope this article helped you to define your Google Adsense URL channels.