How To Install GlobalSight Translation Management System on Linode VPS (Ubuntu 14.04)

There are plenty of translation management systems available on the market, some are better, some have features that other's don't have. And some are paid while some are Open Source (free)

In today's servers article series I will share my configuration I used to install Open Source GlobalSight translation management system on Linode VPS running Ubuntu 14.04

It took me about 8 hours to get it finally runing, but using following tutorial you should be able to manage it under 2 hours (including some testing).

About GlobalSight Translation Management System

GlobalSight is an open-source Globalization Management System (GMS) that manages and streamlines all of the tasks involved in the translation process - from requesting a new translation to quoting, project management, translating, reviewing, Desktop Publishing (DTP), reporting and so on.

Setting up Linode VPS server

For this test I will purchase a brand new 10$/mo VPS server from Linode and will deploy Ubuntu 14.04 on it. Read Getting Started with Linode guide.

After you have successfully purchased a VPS from Linode, deploy  Ubuntu 14.04 on it and follow security guide to make your server protected from bad guys, see: Securing Your Server

Installing GlobalSight

Now, once you are all good and your server is deployed, let's put GlobalSight translation management system on it. For a reference I'm using official guide here: Installing GlobalSight on Ubuntu

Open putty and connect to your server using IP address you got from Linode and username/password you created after you followed Securing your server guide.

Downloading source files:

sudo mkdir /etc/globalsight/

cd /etc/globalsight

sudo wget


You might need to install unzip first

sudo apt-get install unzip

Install MySQL

Update APT repository list

sudo apt-get update

Install MySQL Server and Client at the same time

sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client

You will be asked to enter password during installation

Configure database

Edit file /etc/mysql/my.cnf

Add following lines under [mysqld] section


Uncomment and update below line


Update below line


Replace below line

key_buffer=16M to key_buffer_size=16M

Comment below line


Creating the GlobalSight database and user using the MySQL command line

Log in to MySQL as root

mysql -uroot -p

You will be prompted to enter MySQL root user's password.

grant the privileges

grant all on *.* to 'root'@'localhost' identified by '<mysql_root_password>';

Create the GlobalSight database

create database globalsight;

Commit the changes


Exit MySQL


Installing JDK

Following written is inspired by: How to Install Oracle Java 8 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties


sudo apt-add-repository ppa:webupd8team/java

As a matter of best practice we’ll update our packages:

sudo apt-get update

Then let’s install Oracle Java 8 with the PPA installer:

sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

Be sure to accept the Oracle license!

Now verify that Java is installed and is of version 1.8.x:

java -version

Set system variables: JAVA_HOME and PATH

Edit /etc/profile file and add contents as below:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin

Use source to load the variables, by running this command:

source /etc/profile

Then check the variable, by running this command:


Create a user called jboss for the GlobalSight core application

sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash jboss
sudo passwd jboss
sudo adduser jboss sudo

​Log in as user jboss

su -l jboss

Unjar to /home/jboss directory

mkdir GlobalSight && cd GlobalSight

jar xvf /etc/globalsight/GlobalSight/

Go to the install script directory and add the executable attribute to script file

cd /install

chmod u+x

login as root

su root

Create GlobalSight documents and file storage directory

mkdir -p home/jboss/data/{docs,filestorage}

Update GlobalSight daemon template

sudo nano /home/jboss/GlobalSight/jboss/util/bin/

Insert -c ${JBOSS_USER} -d ${JBOSS_HOME} between --background and --user

Example: start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --background -c ${JBOSS_USER} -d ${JBOSS_HOME} --user ${JBOSS_USER} --exec ${JBOSS_HOME}/bin/
Example: start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --background -c ${JBOSS_USER} -d ${JBOSS_HOME} --user ${JBOSS_USER} --exec ${JBOSS_HOME}/bin/ -- --connect command=:shutdown

Note: this modification ensures that GlobalSight daemon are always running as user jboss.

Installing GlobalSight core application

Run the install script

cd /home/jboss/GlobalSight/install

sudo PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH ./ | tee globalsight_install.log

Follow installation screens and adjust settings.

If no errors occurred, you should be able to start globalsight service with following command:

sudo service globalsight start

That's it. Open browser and visit http://yourip:yourport/globalhost