
I write about my investor experience by investing in dividend-paying stocks, options trading, cryptocurrencies, peer-to-peer lending, stock IPO's and more. Currently on the road to save 1 million dollars by 2045.  Check out my freemium newsletter for investing with covered calls


May 2018 Dividend Income Report - $140.35


Disclosure:  This article contains affiliate links to peer to peer lending website, by clicking on links on this page and by making an investment on, I might earn affiliate income at no cost to you. Also, I'm not a financial advisor and I don't give you any advice, I'm just sharing my own experience. Investments in stocks, funds, bonds or cryptos are risk investments and you could lose some or all of your money. Do your due diligence before investing in any kind of asset.…

How To Transfer ETC Balance from to


In today's article, I will demonstrate how to transfer Ethereum Classic (ETC) from to exchange (or any other etc address). For a prelude - I first created a MyEtherWallet address to claim Golden Fleece Tokens (How To Add a Custom Token Balance in, then I built a gpu ether mining rig and claimed all earnings via MyEtherWallet. With time I started to mine other coins, and at one stage decided to give it a try for ETC coin (probably I was looking…

Reducing 10% from existing portfolio (Mintos, Baltic stocks & Crytpo) - To quickly accumulate cash for funding US stock purchases on LynxBroker


I didn't have a plan to reduce my existing holdings, neither from Baltic stocks, Mintos or crypto investments, but in order to keep up with my investment goals - I just have to Long story short - I opened a low-cost European brokerage account at Lynx Broker, and despite it requires a minimum deposit of EUR 3,000 to open an account there, I asked could I do it in several batches. Turns out you can. Low-Cost European Stock Broker - Review Now, I decided to start small and…

Low Cost European Stock Broker - Review

| 8 views is a European (Dutch) discount brokerage offering relatively cheap $5 commissions for US stock trades. is affiliated with Interactive Brokers, and what's really sweet  - the minimum required deposit is just EUR 3,000 Best stock options trading platform in Georgia (and most of the rest of the World) I was struggling to gather a minimum of $10,000 deposit to open an Interactive Brokers account when a blog reader Mikheil recently pointed me to a Lynx broker.  Hi…

Matching interest earned on Peer to Peer Lending Platform


Seems that 2018 is a year of great experiments for me, I have started to build up an emergency fund, also I've started 52 weeks money challenge and now I have decided to run another financial experiment - matching interest earned on peer to peer platform. The challenge is simple, at the start of each month I will match and deposit the same amount I received from the platform in the previous month. Review After 12 Month of Investing in Peer to Peer Lending Disclosure: …

High Yield Dividend Stock Buy Ideas: AWP, FGB, DHY


I still haven't opened a decent discount stock broker for buying US stocks (I have been in talks of opening a broker account at Lynx Broker), while in the middle of the process, I decided to investigate some high yield dividend stocks in the US. There are dozens of great dividend income blogs, I love to read their monthly dividend income reports and of course, compare my self to others. Just google - "+month dividend income report" and you will be amazed finding a ton of great reading. Some…

Super Charging May 2019 Dividend Income ($300/mo Goal)


May is one of the busiest dividend paying months from the Baltic Stocks. I've been investing in the Baltic stocks since 2017, and dividend income generated from the Baltic stocks slowly are growing. Nothing to brag about, but still, humble but decent. In May 2017, I made $65.45 from peer to peer lending and Baltic stocks. Although the May of 2018 is just barely started I'm looking on about $140 this May. That's about $75 increase year on year. In fact, May of 2018 promised about $200 in…

April 2018 Dividend Income Report - $95.47


Welcome to the twelfth (#12) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from the Baltic dividend-paying stocks and peer to peer lending (both fiat and cryptocurrencies). Wow, already twelve dividend income reports, that's one year of tracking my road to the million dollars by the time I will turn 60. The last April marked also a small one-year anniversary since I've been investing in the Baltic stocks, you can read my review here: Baltic Dividend Stock Market Review - Thoughts After…

Baltic Dividend Stock Market Review - Thoughts After Investing for a One Year


April 2018, marks a small one year anniversary since I've been investing in the Baltic Stock market, more precisely - Baltic dividend stocks.  I decided to invest in the Baltic stocks, once I found I'm too short to open Interactive Brokers account for buying US stocks (required opening minimum is $10,000). Buying Baltic stocks from local brokers (SEB bank) is relatively cheap (about 3 EUR commission per trade). Back in April 2017 I started to acquire first stocks in the Baltics, now a year…

During the past 4 years GEL has lost its value against USD by -27.51%


It has been a while since I last time examined GEL/USD exchange rates. It seems more than four years have passed already. Back in 2014, I was concerned about GEL exchange rates because I had some deposits in Georgian National currency. Now in 2018 I don't feel anymore too much concerned, because I have diversified a lot across multiple currencies.  I stopped any deposits in GEL back around 2015, after losing some 20% in a month, back then I thought I will never invest again in national…