
I write about my investor experience by investing in dividend-paying stocks, options trading, cryptocurrencies, peer-to-peer lending, stock IPO's and more. Currently on the road to save 1 million dollars by 2045.  Check out my freemium newsletter for investing with covered calls


Cryptocurrencies are Volatile - Here is How I Lost $1,000 in Value in a couple of days


Wow, what a bearish ride for the past couple of days in the cryptocurrency world. Bitcoin and all the other major altcoins have lost value on average by 25% in the past couple of days. From trading BTC at $11,615 on March 5th down to $8,606 on March 9th.  Long story short - I've been investing in cryptos since the second part of 2017. Before actually investing in cryptocurrencies I developed the so-called dollar cost averaging plan, and decided to buy the major cryptocurrencies once in the…

Minimum Wages in European Union 2018


Turns out this is already fifth (#5) article about minimum wages in European Union featured on the blog. Traditions must be continued and here comes the latest article with the latest data for 2018 about minimum wages in the European Union. Update: Minimum Wages in European Union 2019 In 2018 there were 22 out of 28 European Union member states with the official minimum wage set by the government. Feel free to browse through the archives for previous years, before proceeding, see: What's…

February 2018 Dividend Income Report - $62.89


Time flies and so did last February disappeared like a flicker. Now it's time to look back and see how did it go for me in terms of dividend income. February marks already the tenth (#10) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend-paying stocks, peer to peer lending (both fiat and cryptocurrencies) Surprisingly, but February turned out much better than I thought before - after a few e-mail and support tickets forth and back with bank and fund I was looking to have in my…

How I'm Buying Stocks in Nasdaq Baltics Market


I've been investing actively in the Nasdaq Baltics market actively since 2017. Currently, I hold stocks of 16 great dividend-paying companies. And in fact that's the reason I'm investing in this market - call me dividend investor. In today's article, I wanted to share a quick "how to" on how I'm actually investing in this market. For operations (trades) to happen, I've opened a brokerage account at SEB Latvia bank, which comes up with a cost of 0.0150% (minimum 1 eur) monthly fee for account…

52 Week Money Saving Challenge


I first heard about such challenge from SEB Latvia bank - How to save 1,400 euros per year? The recommendation is simple - to deposit in the first week one euro, in the second week - two, third week - three, etc. The amount after each week continues to grow, up to the last week of the year, when it is 52 euros. As I love challenges and believe they are the great way to master new skills and make good habits, and in fact, there have been a few long-term challenges already passed in the frames…

Investment Goal #3 - Build up Starter Emergency Fund $1,000


Now this should probably be ranked as an Investment Goal #1, but as I already have goal one and goal two defined, I will keep this, probably, most valuable goal to build up a starter emergency fund as goal #3 As they say, you should have in your emergency fund about 3-6 months of expenses in savings to have a good sleep. Since the last time I counted our family expenses on a monthly basis (Cost of Living in Tbilisi (Republic of Georgia)) has already passed more than two years I'm not sure how…

Back testing BTC/EXP RSI on Gekko Trading Bot


For the past couple of days, I've been testing Gekko BTC trading bot, executing a few trades running the bot on my laptop, ending to build a VPS to run Gekko trading bot on a cloud. As you can see for right now - I'm fully determined to master this trading bot. To master trading like a pro some should learn basic technical analytics, in today's article, I will speak about using Relative Strength Index (RSI) for crypto trades. I believe RSI is one of the easiest ways to trade cryptos. …

Investment Goal #2 - Trade Bitcoin from 0.033 to 0.05 (Altcoin Flipping)


At the start, I wanted to set a goal to trade up to 1 BTC, but then I realized I should set more realistic and achievable goals, as despite I've been exposed to crypto investments for more than 7 months already, the total net worth for my crypto portfolio, barely reaches just 0.3 BTC. I have a several tactics when speaking about crypto investments, the first and most stable - buy and hold once in a month, no matter what (dollar cost averaging), since the second part of August 2017 I've been…

Invest in Armenia - Peer to Peer Lending on marketplace


Got another promotional e-mail from peer to peer lending marketplace, informing about the opportunity to invest in Armenia issued loans by Also see: Invest in Kazakhstan - Peer to Peer lending loans up to 21% Yield from Kredit24 on Marketplace As Armenia together with Georgia have been on my investment radar for a while, I feel good - knowing I can earn some dividends in this hospital South Caucasus country. See: Invest in Georgia - Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending -…

Why I'm Investing in Baltic Horizon Fund (NHCBHFFT)


Baltic Horizon Fund has been on my radar since the August 2017. Actually first spotted in March 2017, while doing a quick research on Top Dividend Paying stocks in the Baltics.  Despite being listed on Nasdaq Tallinn (aka Nasdaq Baltics) I was not able to purchase fund units from my existing brokerage account. After I sent a short message both to the fund managers and my current broker, informing about the problem I was facing (and I believe a dozen of other customers with a brokerage account…