
Kinchkha Waterfall in Georgia


Kinchkha Waterfall is located in Georgia near the village of Kinchkha, some 300km away or 4h 30m drive from Tbilisi / or about 55km 1h20m drive from Kutaisi. The waterfall is located in the river gorge of Okatse (Satsikvilo) at 843 meters above sea level.  We first visited Kinchkha waterfall at the start of September 2021, despite I had heard…

Kutaisi Trip / Tskaltubo, Okatste canyon, Kinchkha waterfall, Martvili


UFO-shaped but abandoned spa sanatoriums, hot pools near stalactite caves, waterfalls, and canyons. Rivers and great cuisine. shortly put another great weekend has been recorded. Tskaltubo, Okatse, Martvili, Kutaisi and more.