Peer-to-Peer Lending Review 2020 (36 Month of Investing in Peer to Peer Lending)


I've been investing in the peer to peer lending marketplace since the beginning of 2017, or it has been already 36 months or three years since I've been exposing my funds to this Latvian fintech platform. In the past three years, I've made a nice revenue of EUR 1,477.86 (before tax) and in today's article, I decided to share a quick …

How and Why To Invest in Mintos Secondary market


I'm not a huge fan of any secondary markets (Except probably just Tbilisi flea market), but at the end of February 2019 Mintos run out of the GEL loans (the last time it happened at the end of August).As more than half of my portfolio consists of investments in GEL and I have no plans to exchange them overnight to EUR or any other currency I…

Top Peer to Peer Lending Sites 2019 (Highest Yields)


Peer to peer lending is a hot topic in 2019. Both novice and seasoned investors are putting some serious money into peer to peer lending.  I've been familiar with this type of investment since 2016, and starting 2017 have actually invested some money. When speaking about me - there is just one peer to peer platform I personally have tried, still… Review After 24 Month of Investing in Peer to Peer Lending


I've been investing in peer to peer lending marketplace since the beginning of 2017, or it has been already 24 months or two years since I've been exposing my funds to this Latvian fintech platform. In the past 24 months I've made a nice revenue of EUR 902.57 (before tax) and in today's article, I decided to share a quick overview for…

2018 in Review and Financial Goals for 2019


I'm 33 now and I have a goal to save one million dollars by the time I will turn 60. That's 27 years to go. I've been documenting my journey towards financial independence for the past two years alreadyIn today's article, I will review the past year of 2018 and take a quick glimpse at the New Year of 2019.Just like in the previous year, 2017 for…

Unbiased Review - Results after 19 months


I've been investing in peer to peer lending marketplace since the beginning of 2017, or it has been already 19 months since I've been exposing my funds to this Latvian fintech platform. In the past 19 months, I've made a nice revenue of EUR 624.78 (before tax) from an investment worth little more than EUR 4,000I should note that I have…

Matching interest earned on Peer to Peer Lending Platform


Seems that 2018 is a year of great experiments for me, I have started to build up an emergency fund, also I've started 52 weeks money challenge and now I have decided to run another financial experiment - matching interest earned on peer to peer platform. The challenge is simple, at the start of each month I will match and deposit the… Peer to Peer Lending Review 2018


I first heard about peer to peer lending marketplace back in 2016, starting with 2017 I decided to invest some chunk of money on this platform.Now in 2018, is the top performing passive income revenue stream for me.I keep investing also in stocks, mutual funds, and cryptocurrencies. At the end of Q1 2018, took the… Review After 12 Month of Investing in Peer to Peer Lending


I've been investing in peer to peer lending marketplace since the beginning of 2017, or it has been already 12 months or one year since I've been exposing my funds to this Latvian fintech platform. In the past 12 months I've made a nice revenue of EUR 311.42 (before tax) and in today's article, I decided to share a quick overview for…

2017 in Review and Financial Goals for 2018


I'm 32 now and I have a goal to save one million dollars by the time I will turn 60. That's 28 years to go.In today's article, I will review the past year and take a quick glimpse at the New Year. For me, 2017 was a year of peer to peer lending, dividend-paying stocks and starting with the second part of the year - cryptocurrencies.Investment…