
Vilgāle flat Renovation - tearing down walls, removing floors


Welcome, to yet another exciting photo series to our latest renovation project - Vilgāle flat. I bought this flat at an online auction back in September 2020, it took me a few months before all the legal procedures were done and we could actually start renovation works.  For actual renovation works, I hired local contractors at Kuldīga town. Not…

Vilgāle flat renovation - how it all starts


On September 18, I was lucky enough to win an online auction and bought a flat in Vilgāle village. It took a few more months before all legal procedures were done and I had the entry in the Land Registry before I was able to proceed.I first saw this flat about a week ago, when I got the keys from the previous landlady (ut turns out there haven't…

Home Remodeling - Season 3 (2017)


We had some great plans for this Summer's home remodeling works, unfortunately, we faced some obstacles, and decided to stop any further home remodeling works for this year. Despite being pretty upset about our situation, we still enjoyed a great Summer at our rural country property. Here I'm adding pictures, how it all looked in April 2017,…

Home Remodeling - End Of The Season 2


Wow, that was a ride. In this post I will write down all major tasks we performed during Summer 2016, which was second year since we started to manage and repair our rural property. Learn more how it all started: Home Remodeling - How It All Starts Each year, at the start at April we arrive to our house and put a lot work and investment to make…

Home Remodeling - Season 2 starts now


Loyal readers of this blog are already familiar with the home renovation and remodeling process which we started a year ago, if not, make sure you check out article - How it all starts. On April 14, 2016 we made a long and tired journey with our cats to get where we left this process at the end of Summer 2015. I was really glad that I had spent…

How to Patch and Plaster Walls in Your Old Rural House


It's one of the construction works I really enjoy - to patch and plaster walls - it doesn't requires a lot of skills and it's a really cheap way to get things done fast. Today I will show you how I patched our rural country house's kitchen walls with a plaster mix for less than $10. Prior to that I removed all the junk from the room (kitchen) and…

Room One - Wall and Ceiling Painting with Water Based Paint


It took us some time to figure out what do next with our recently inherited rural house which was not in her best shape. After I started my fight with grass, (Lawn moving with scythe and Lawn moving with trimmer)  I decided it's time to free up some space inside the house, so we actually have some room to stay for night, for example. Since our…

Home Remodelling - How It All Starts


Recently my better part and I became a lucky home-owners, we went through a long and bureaucratic procedure to inherit a house in scenic place in a very remote country. The house is in a very bad condition and asks for a lot of investments - one of the primary things we are looking to do next - is to change a roof (it is leaky), to dig the well,…